英语听力无疑已经成为广大非母语外语学习者最头疼的基本问题。它们已经成为英语学习的最大瓶颈。对于非英语国家的英语学习的人们来说,一些传统的所谓的弱智英语教育造成了英语学习的事倍功半,形成了巨大的人力物力浪费。我们要明确英语学习的目的是其用途而非其具体的用法。特别是听力的教与学,广大师生都徘徊在那种事倍功半的死胡同里难以自拔。有时我们会采用一些所谓的最好的视听的方法来弥补听力练习的枯燥乏味,但是我们又往往迎合学生的较为狭窄的兴趣面,并且只顾视听效果而忽略了教学效果,往往只是事倍功半,收效甚微。语言是习来的而不时学来的。(Language is acquired not learned.)我们应该用宏观理论和微观策略相结合的方法去各个击破分别掌握。
English listening has undoubtedly become the most troublesome basic problem for non-native speakers of foreign languages. They have become the biggest bottleneck in English learning. For people learning English in non-English-speaking countries, some traditional so-called mentally handicapped English education has caused less success in English learning and resulted in a huge waste of human and material resources. We want to clarify the purpose of English learning is its purpose rather than its specific usage. In particular, teaching and learning of listening, the majority of teachers and students are hovering in the kind of dead ends in the hard to extricate themselves. Sometimes we use the so-called best audio-visual method to make up for the dullness of listening practice. However, we often cater to students’ relatively narrow interest areas and neglect the effect of teaching by listening to the audio-visual effects, which often only do more with less. micro. Language is learned from time to time learned. (Language is acquired not learned.) We should use a combination of macroeconomic theory and micro-strategies to break each of them separately.