目前,许多省、市、自治区的教委正在制订和实施选拔培养跨世纪学术带头人和青年骨干教师的工程计划,要求所属各类高校尽快贯彻落实,加快步伐,加紧培养,以实现骨干教师的新老交替,建设好一支一流的师资队伍。 应该说,许多高校是非常重视此举的。他们结合本校师资的实际,立即作了部署与动员,经层层推荐,民主评议,选拔出一批名副其实的很有发展前途的年轻人作为重点培养对象,并指定一些中、老年学科带头人或学者,作为他们的导师予以扶持。所有这些举措,都是颇令人鼓舞的。
At present, the education committees of many provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions are formulating and implementing the project of selecting and cultivating academic leaders and young backbone teachers of the new century. Various types of colleges and universities are required to implement the project as soon as possible, step up their paces and intensify their training in order to realize the new Alternate old, build a first-class teachers. It should be said that many universities attach great importance to this move. They made immediate arrangements for the deployment and mobilization according to the actual conditions of their teachers. After being recommended by different levels and democratically appraised, they selected a group of promising young people with promising prospects as their key training subjects and designated middle- and senior-aged academic leaders or Scholars, as their mentors to support. All these initiatives are quite encouraging.