The Border Between Democracy and Centralism:A Perspective from New Institutional Economics Based on

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The democratic centralism is the basic organizational institution for China’s Communist Party and China’s governments.However,there are many theoretic and practical problems regarding Democratic Centralism.What is the essence of this institution and where the border between democracy and centralism is are still questionable.In fact,this issue is as same as the issue in the economics why the market and hierarchy exist at the same time.Thus,based on the transaction cost theory,the reason we explain the coexistence of the democracy and centralism is that the transaction cost for decision in the real world is not zero.So the border between them is at the point where the marginal costs of the two decision ways are equal.That means in practice,the selection between the two ways should be dependent on the comparative transaction costs. The democratic centralism is the basic organizational institution for China’s Communist Party and China’s governments. However, there are many theoretic and practical problems in Democratic Centralism. What is the essence of this institution and where the border between democracy and centralism is still questionable. fact, this issue is as same as the issue in the economics why the market and hierarchy exist at the same time. Thus, based on the transaction cost theory, the reason we explain the coexistence of the democracy and centralism is that the transaction cost for decision in the real world is not zero.So the border between them is at the point where the marginal costs of the two decision ways are equal.That means in practice, the selection between the two ways should be dependent on the comparative transaction costs.
如何实施高中语文探究式教学呢?本人在此文中谈几点看法。   一、营造师生平等氛围   师生平等是学生学习主动性的前提,因此,营造师生平等氛围,就会使学生初步具有探究意识并敢于表达自己的见解。要想让学生真正树立起探究意识,必须要消除学生的顾虑,敢于发表自己独立的见解,这一前提就是让学生融入师、生平等对话的情境中,也就是说教师要在探究教学的课堂中创设一种平等对话的氛围。首先,教师要树立师生平等的意识。
如何提高高三语文作文教学高效性,既让学生有兴趣写、不抵触,又能切实提高学生写作水平呢?下面以议论性散文写作为例来谈谈我在这方面做的初步的尝试与探索。   一、化整为零 分项教学   为了减轻学生的压力,让学生真正有效的提高写作水平,化整为零,进行分项教学训练。   1、训练开头,提升开头水准   元代乔梦符把文章开头称为“凤头”。好的开头要简洁、精美、紧扣主题,给人眼睛一亮之感。议论文开头一般开宗
在语文课堂中,教师对课堂结构、教学内容、教学评价等方面进行必要的适时的调控,可以优化课堂教学,产生即时的明显的效果。语文课堂教学的有效调控,还能产生延时作用,从而促进学生获得长足的发展。   一、合理调控课堂结构   原苏联教育家马赫穆托夫认为:“课的结构是作为一种有益的组织知识,作为一种指示和标准理论而被理解和运用的。”要使教学环节张弛有度,教学目标落到实处,就要调控课堂结构。一堂课的导入阶段是