第三人称有限视角 ,即故事完全经过一个人物的中心意识过滤来发展的技巧 ,被认为是亨利·詹姆斯对现代小说的主要贡献。但是 ,意识中心的单一视角不能代替作者的全知视角。在许多情况下 ,特别是在意识中心没有较高智商的情况下 ,过多地依赖单一视角将会把读者领入歧途。为此 ,詹姆斯提出了“油灯理论”来解决这个难题。本文着重介绍了这个理论及相关技巧 ,并举例说明他不断完善视角理论的过程———从开始试验单一视角 ,摆脱不掉全知叙述的痕迹 ,到发现双重视角来弥补单一视角的缺陷 ,再到用多重视角来充实双重视角
The third person’s limited perspective, that is, the story’s development after a person’s central consciousness filtering, is considered to be Henry James’s major contribution to modern fiction. However, the single point of view of the center of consciousness can not replace the author’s omniscience perspective. In many cases, relying too much on a single perspective can skew the reader, especially if there is not a high IQ in the center of consciousness. To this end, James put forward the “oil lamp theory” to solve this problem. This article focuses on this theory and related techniques and illustrates the process by which he continuously improves the theory of perspective - from the single point of view of experimentation, to getting rid of traces of omniscient narration, to finding double perspectives to make up for defects in a single perspective, Double perspective with multiple perspectives