Based on the analysis of the essence of the current carbon consumption in blast furnace ironmaking, the carbon-saving potential of the current main low-carbon ironmaking route is calculated and calculated by using the model for the given raw fuel conditions. The results show that for the ordinary blast furnace, the gas utilization rate at the time of indirect reduction reaches 56.99%, and the fuel ratio is reduced to 28.37kg / t. Oxygen blast furnace top gas fully recycle conditions, the minimum fuel ratio of 385.6kg / t. Coke oven gas can reduce the fuel ratio, with each increase of 10m3 injection, can reduce the coke ratio about 5.0kg / t; In addition there is an extreme value of injection, with the rate of oxygen enrichment, to obtain the lowest fuel injection ratio Increases, and the minimum fuel ratio decreases. The best injection conditions for oxygen enrichment rate of 6% to 8%, injection volume of 160 ~ 180m3 / t, can save coke 53 ~ 54kg / t. The use of high reactivity coke can reduce the temperature of the thermal reserve so as to reduce the concentration of CO during the indirect reduction and equilibrium and reduce the fuel consumption by 10.3-12.2kg / t theoretically for a balanced CO concentration from 70% to 60% for every 2.5% reduction Decrease gradually reduce.