The Biological Effect of Hepsin on the Proliferation and Invasion of PC-3 Prostate Cancer Cells

来源 :Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abc000123444
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OBJECTIVE Recent studies have shown that hepsin, a type of transmembrane serine protease, is highly upregulated in prostate cancer, but, little is known about its role in progression and invasion of this cancer. We constructed a hepsin-expressing plasmid and transfected it into PC-3 cells to investigate the effect of the hepsin gene on the biological behavior of the PC-3 cells. METHODS Plasmid pHepsin-IRES2 was transfected into prostate cancer PC-3 cells using Fugene6, and the cells with stable hepsin expression were screened and selected with Zeocin (600 mg/L). The hepsin mRNA level was measured by real-time PCR and the growth curve of the PC-3-transfected cells assessed using MTT and BrdU assays. A Boyden chamber was used to examine the difference in invasion and metastases between transfected and non-transfected cells. RESULTS The hepsin mRNA level in pHepsin-IRES2 transfected -PC-3 cells was significantly higher than that found in the control PC -3 cells. While the growth curve of the hepsin gene transfected PC -3 cells showed that there was no significant effect on proliferation, the invasive ability of the pHepsin-IRES2 transfected PC-3 cells, as compared with control cells, was significantly increased (P<0.05). CONCLUSION The results suggest that even though hepsin has no effect on the proliferation of prostate cancer PC-3 cells, it does promote cellular invasion and metastasis.Therefore hepsin may have a role in the development of prostate cancer. OBJECTIVE Recent studies have shown that hepsin, a type of transmembrane serine protease, is highly upregulated in prostate cancer, but, little is known about its role in progression and invasion of this cancer. We constructed a hepsin-expressing plasmid and transfected it into PC -3 cells to investigate the effect of the hepsin gene on the biological behavior of the PC-3 cells. METHODS Plasmid pHepsin-IRES2 was transfected into prostate cancer PC-3 cells using Fugene 6, and the cells with stable hepsin expression were screened and selected with Zeocin (600 mg / L). The hepsin mRNA level was measured by real-time PCR and the growth curve of the PC-3-transfected cells assessed using MTT and BrdU assays. A Boyden chamber was used to examine the difference in invasion and the metastases between transfected and non-transfected cells. RESULTS The hepsin mRNA level in pHepsin-IRES2 transfected-PC-3 cells was significantly higher than that found in the control PC-3 cells. While the growth curve of the hepsin gene transfected PC-3 cells showed that there was no significant effect on proliferation, the invasive ability of the pHepsin-IRES2 transfected PC-3 cells, as compared with control cells, was significantly increased (P <0.05). CONCLUSION The results suggest that even though hepsin has no effect on the proliferation of prostate cancer PC-3 cells, it does promote cellular invasion and metastasis. Therefore hepsin may have a role in the development of prostate cancer.
In the processes of discrimination between oil-cracked gases and kerogen-cracked gases,Behar and Pinzgofer et al.’s results were adopted in the former research
近日,住房和城乡建设部发布公告,批准《铁矿球团工程设计规范》为国家标准,编号为GB 50491-2009,自2009年12月1日起实施。该标准由中冶长天国际工程有限责任公司和中冶北方工
RP—Received Pronunciation是随着语言的进化而变化的,例如:它自身的变异,风格的变异,无条件变异等这些都对它的发展产生着影响。 RP-Received Pronunciation changes with