Reifen 2014 Will Honour the Best Innovations in Advance

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  On May 27-30, the world’s leading manufacturers and dealers in the tyre sector will meet up at the premier global fair called Reifen at Messe Essen. In the evening before the fair, Messe Essen and Bundesverband Reifenhandel und Vulkaniseur-Handwerk e. V. (BRV -"Federal Association of the Tyre Trade and the Vulcanisers’ Skilled Trade") will present the coveted Innovation Award to the manufacturers of the best innovations.
  In 2014, the "Oscar" of the tyre sector will encompass four categories for the first time: Technology and Products, Service Concepts and Process Optimisation, Environmental and Resource Conservation and, as a new category, Motor Vehicle Service. A manufacturer-independent expert jury with representatives from the industry, the economy, the trade and the press will check the applications on the basis of criteria such as environmental compatibility, sustainability, resource saving and innovation content.
  The largest performance show of the tyre industry anywhere in the world continues to be on a growth course: Even now, Messe Essen has already rented out over 80% of the exhibition area for the 28th International Tyre Fair, REIFEN 2014 on May 27 to 30. That is considerably more than at the comparable point in time two years ago. In total, the organisers are expecting around 670 exhibitors on an area of over 60,000 square metres. All the renowned tyre manufacturers are already amongst the exhibitors. The fair is regarded as a globally important meeting place for all the significant fields in the sector such as new tyres, vulcanisation, tyre retreading, trading, services as well as tyre and chassis technology.
  After the record event in 2012, it is, even today, already becoming apparent that a large number of new companies will present themselves at REIFEN. For example, the following manufacturers will give their REIFEN premieres in 2014: Trelleborg Wheel Systems, Ronal Group and BBS.
  In 2012, 92% of the exhibitors are satisfied with the quality of the visitors, 88% of the exhibitors are satisfied with their business success at REIFEN 2012, 91% of the exhibitors are satisfied with the initiation of business/preparation of followup business, 89% of the visitors are satisfied with the establishment of new customer contacts.
  88% of the visitors play a major role in purchasing and procurement decisions, 91% are satisfied with the range product at REIFEN, 94% achieved the objectives of their visit, 92% would like to attend REIFEN 2014.
The 7th Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Spring Edition),?organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council(HKTDC), ended on 9 April with a record of more than 1,250 exhibitors from 12 countr
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The Congress Center Basel – Switzerland’s biggest congress centre in terms of surface area – is located in the heart of the city, right next to Messe Basel. The Congress Center is linked via a walkway
塔桑尼亚阿鲁沙会议中心是根据塔桑尼亚政府颁布的公众公司法案而建造的,由塔桑尼亚政府所有,由国家外事与国际公司部监管。但是,会议中心是完全商务运作的机构,以承办会议为主营业务。此外,也对外出租办公室与客房,并通过会议中心下属的阿鲁沙市政部的中型医院提供卫生保健服务。  会议中心的愿景是成为当地商务旅游的模范运作者和推动者。通过优质的商旅服务和接待世界各地的用户,促进阿鲁沙当地的社会经济发展。  会议
Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC) was established under the public corporation Act No. 17 0f 1969 by the president order through Government notice number 115, published on 25th August 1978
面对纷至沓来的参展邀请函,很多企业对是否应该参展、参展能为企业带来哪些利益、如何充分利用展会传播企业信息、如何与强大的对手同台竞争等问题都心存疑惑。这就涉及到了如何真正让展会发挥作用。  一些企业的展会营销没有取得实效,原因主要集中在以下几个方面:  首先,缺乏科学有效的营销工作规划,没能在众多展会中选对与公司营销计划相匹配的展会,盲目参展。其次,缺乏战略规划,仅仅将展会营销作为一种事务性工作对待
《出展世界》:近两年,德国展览业“走出去”步伐加快。根据AUMA数据,2014年,德国的展览公司将在全球举办305场展览会,较2013年增长10%。其中,在中国的展会是90场,请问为何将中国作为首要外展目的地?  Mennekes:对于德国展览行业而言,中国不仅仅只是一个巨大的市场,同时也是一个快速增长的市场。然而,很多中国企业的决策者都不愿意专程飞到德国参加品牌展会。因此,德国展会主办方很早就意
3月30日,法兰克福国际照明展Light+Building 2014在德国法兰克福国际展览中心隆重举办。然而,在展会上,两家中国企业因为专利侵权,被原厂家发现,并立即被主办方勒令“撤展”。  这样的展会知识产权纠纷新闻,在会展业可谓屡见不鲜。在国外的一些展览会上,一些大型参展商基于对知识产权的重视,会专门雇人在展会上巡视,侵权企业一旦被发现,轻则展位被封无法继续参展,重则被告上法庭。更甚至,企业一
近年来,中国展览行业与国际接轨的愿望日益强烈,除了参加国际展会,出国自主办展之外,各类出国会展考察活动也是重要途径之一。其中,北京中外会展杂志社组织的出国会展考察团多年以来,一直是业内知名度较高、颇有实效的会展考察活动之一。2014年2月15-25日,正值三年一届的德国杜塞尔多夫EuroShop零售业展览会举办,中外会展杂志社组织了第九届欧洲会展考察团。  本次考察活动历时10天,以参观杜塞尔多夫
【中国-巴基斯坦经济合作动态】  1951年5月21日,中巴两国正式建立外交关系。1963年,两国签订首个贸易协定。2005年,两国建立战略合作伙伴关系。2013年5月,两国领导层宣布了一项具有标志意义的决定:建设中国——巴基斯坦经济走廊。在地理上,该走廊是一条长达2,700公里的公路,从中国新疆省的喀什噶尔途经红旗拉甫一直贯穿到瓜达尔。整个走廊的投资额为460亿美元,是一条包括公路、铁路、油气和