一、天然气在东欧国家燃料构成中的作用 夭然气生产和消费的增加,石油和石油产品的合理利用,各部门向节能技术逐步过渡,这些世界性趋势,70年代后半期在东欧国家已开始出现。1970年在东欧国家能源消费构成中,天然气占11.1%,到80年代中期已达18.5%。同期石油占的份额分别为16%和20.5%,而煤炭占的份额从72%降到57.3%。仅匈牙利在1975~1985年间天然气和石油气的用户就从16.8万户增加到26万户,但1990年减至22.2万户,原因是从苏联进口的天然气中断,替代能源利用扩大,发展了电动机车,以及各部门降低了单位能耗。
First, the role of natural gas in the fuel composition of Eastern European countries Natural gas production and consumption increase, the rational use of petroleum and petroleum products, and the gradual transition of various sectors to energy-saving technologies, these global trends have begun in the latter half of the 1970s in Eastern European countries appear. In 1970, of the energy consumption in Eastern European countries, natural gas accounted for 11.1%, reaching 18.5% by the mid-1980s. The share of oil in the same period was 16% and 20.5% respectively, while the share of coal dropped from 72% to 57.3%. In Hungary alone, the number of natural gas and LPG users increased from 168,000 to 260,000 between 1975 and 1985, but it was reduced to 222,000 in 1990 due to the disruption of natural gas imports from the Soviet Union and the expansion of alternative energy utilization to develop the motor Vehicles, as well as various departments to reduce energy consumption per unit.