一读者来信编辑同志: 正在展开对‘活教育’批判的时候,学校教育中产生了下面两种情况: 第一种情况是:有些人说:‘现在不敢大胆创造了,一动手,人家就说是“活教育”。’一位初中物理教师,发动学生,利用废物或者简单的材料,制造了许多教具,别人说他是‘以儿童为本位’,另一位小学自然教师,讲到‘羅盤’这一课,带着学生到轮船上去参观真的羅盤,讲到电报,她自已到电报局去请教职工同志关於这一方面的知识和经验,别人说她这就是‘大自然、大社会都是活教材’的主张。弄得这两位教师,不知怎么做才好,因而工作情绪低落了。
A Reader’s Letter Editorial Comrades: While criticizing ’living education’, there are two situations in school education: The first is: Some people say: ’Now I dare not boldly create, Said to be “live education.” ’A junior high school physics teacher started a student, made a lot of teaching aids using wastes or simple materials, others said he was’ child-centered’ and another primary school natural teacher spoke of ’compass’ The students went to the ship to visit the real compass. When it came to telegram, she went to the telegraph office to consult the staff members’ knowledge and experience on this subject. Others said that this is the idea that nature and society are live teaching materials . Confused these two teachers, I do not know how to do it, so the mood was depressed.