马可·波罗在游记中盛赞杭州为“The Heaven City”,意即“天城”,是“世界上最宏大壮丽的城市!”并说杭州的“赏心乐事是如此之多,以致人到那里,仿佛置身天堂一般!”马可·波罗不懂汉语,他当年肯定听人说过“上有天堂,下有苏杭”这一谚语,但因对其含义不得究竟,因此他把杭州称为“天城”时,又误称苏州为“地城”。
商铺林立 鱼市繁盛
湖泊美丽 船舫考究
民情温雅 佛寺众多
巍峨皇城 宫殿森严
Hangzhou in the Eyes of Marco Polo
By Bao Zhicheng
Commonly recognized as a great traveler, Marco Polo was the first Mr. China of the West. In the later 13th century, he traveled all the way from Europe to China in the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368). He stayed in China for 17 years with the approval of the emperor. During this period, in addition to his extensive tours across China, he also traveled to today’s India and Indonesia as a diplomatic envoy of the Mongolians. His travel across the country enabled him to know a great deal about Beijing and Hangzhou of that time. The West got to know China through the book about his travels. Marco Polo was the first westerner to unravel the mysteries of the Orient and introduce China to the western world.
From 1277 to 1278, Marco Polo, appointed as an inspector by the great Khan, traveled to Kinsay, the name of modern Hangzhou during that time. The Italian came to inspect the annual taxation on mineral products and salt in the city. From 1287 to 1289, he traveled to India as an envoy of the Yuan Dynasty. He stopped over in Hangzhou twice from his trip to and from India. In the summer of 1290, he accompanied a Mongolian princess on her way to her wedding in another kingdom and on his way back to China, he came to Hangzhou again.
Many pages of The Travel of Marco Polo are devoted to descriptions of the great prosperity of Kinsay. Marco Polo sang of Hangzhou as “The City of the Heaven? He did not speak Chinese. but he must have heard the saying of “Paradise in Heaven, Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth? a household phrase known to all the people in China for centuries. That is probably why he said Hangzhou was the city of heaven and Suzhou the city of earth.
The City of Heaven
Marco Polo described Hangzhou’s geographical features this way: “The position of the city is such that it has on one side a lake of fresh and exquisitely clear water, and on the other a very large river. The waters of the latter fill a number of canals of all sizes which run through the different quarters of the city, carry away all impurities, and then enter the Lake; whence they issue again and flow to the Ocean, thus producing a most excellent atmosphere. By means of these channels, as well as by the streets, you can go all about the city. Both streets and canals are so wide and spacious that carts on the one and boats on the other can readily pass to and fro, conveying necessary supplies to the inhabitants.?Geographically he was correct. Hangzhou is flanked by the Qiantang River in the south and the West Lake on the west and crisscrossed by a network of canals though many of the canals have disappeared due to changes across the city.
Markets in Hangzhou
In Marco Polo’s description, Hangzhou was a great business center.
Fish was a popular food in ancient Hangzhou. A bridge named Fish Market Bridge marks the prosperity of fish markets in ancient Hangzhou. According to one ancient book entitled Records of a Dream of Grandeur, 55 varieties of fish were available on the city’s fish markets. According to Marco Polo, 褾rom the Ocean Sea also come daily supplies of fish in great quantity, brought 25 miles up the river, and there is also great store of fish from the lake, which is the constant resort of fishermen, who have no other business. Their fish is of sundry kinds, changing with the season; and, owing to the impurities of the city which pass into the lake, it is remarkably fat and savory. Any one who 'should see the supply of fish in the market would suppose it impossible that such a quantity could ever be sold; and yet in a few hours the whole shall be cleared away'; so great is the number of inhabitants who are accustomed to delicate living. Indeed they eat fish and flesh at the same meal.?Marco Polo as a taxation inspector knew about Hangzhou’s tax situations. In the book, he talked about the total annual revenue of the city, which is corroborated by the official documents of that time.He also mentioned tax rates levied on freight, traded goods and imported goods, which fit the historical records.
The City and the West Lake
During the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279), Hangzhou as the empire’s capital was the most opulent metropolis in the country, where many people, led by the ruling class, abandoned themselves to carnival pleasure, fashion, luxury, and intoxicated themselves with gorgeous natural and man-made joys available to them across the city. According to the Italian traveler, “Inside the city there is a Lake which has a compass of some 30 miles [note: probably 30 li] and all round it are erected beautiful palaces and mansions, of the richest and most exquisite structure that you can imagine, belonging to the nobles of the city. There are also on its shores many abbeys and churches of the Idolaters. In the middle of the Lake are two Islands, on each of which stands a rich, beautiful and spacious edifice, furnished in such style as to seem fit for the palace of an Emperor. And when any one of the citizens desired to hold a marriage feast, or to give any other entertainment, it used to be done at one of these palaces. And everything would be found there ready to order, such as silver plates, trenchers, and dishes, napkins and table-cloths, and whatever else was needful.?’On the Lake of which we have spoken there are numbers of boats and barges of all sizes for parties of pleasure. These will hold 10, 15, 20, or more persons, and are from 15 to 20 paces in length, with flat bottoms and ample breadth of beam, so that they always keep their trim. Anyone who desires to go a-pleasuring with the women, or with a party of his own sex, hires one of these barges, which are always to be found completely furnished with tables and chairs and all the other apparatus for a feast. The roof forms a level deck, on which the crew stand, and pole the boat along whithersoever may he desired, for the Lake is not more than 2 paces in depth. The inside of this roof and the rest of the interior is covered with ornamental painting in gay colours, with windows all round that can be shut or opened, so that the party at table can enjoy all the beauty and variety of the prospects on both sides as they pass along. And truly a trip on this Lake is a much more charming recreation than can be enjoyed on land. For on the one side lies the city in its entire length, so that the spectators in the barges, from the distance at which they stand, take in the whole prospect in its full beauty and grandeur, with its numberless palaces, temples, monasteries, and gardens, full of lofty trees, sloping to the shore. And the Lake is never without a number of other such boats, laden with pleasure parties; for it is the great delight of the citizens here, after they have disposed of the day's business, to pass the afternoon in enjoyment with the ladies of their families, or perhaps with others less reputable, either in these barges or in driving about the city in carriages.?Marco Polo’s description of the city fits what Hangzhou really was in reputation and in substance. Without being there, one could not have given such a vivid and truthful account.
The People and the Temples
The Hangzhou residents in Marco Polo’s book are described as such: “Coth men and women are fair and comely, and for the most part clothe themselves in silk, so vast is the supply of that material, both from the whole district of Kinsay, and from the imports by traders from other provinces.?In his travelogue, Marco Polo mentions religious temples across the city and around the lake. Again this conformed to the popularity of Buddhism in the city since the Northern Song Dynasty. In the Northern Song Dynasty, Hangzhou was home to 360 Buddhist temples. In the Southern Song Dynasty, the number grew to 480, home to hundreds of thousands of monks and nuns. The religious enthusiasm well lasted into the Yuan Dynasty and different religions co-existed with Buddhism and Taoism as leading religions.
The Imperial Palace
Before it was destroyed in a fire, Marco Polo, accompanied by a rich business magnate in Hangzhou, visited the imperial palace of the Southern Song Dynasty. According to the Italian, the palace city, sitting in a square area of 10 li, was divided into three parts. The royal palace had 20 grand halls, each with 50 rooms. There was space for 10,000 guests to attend a huge banquet. According to history, the first phase of the royal palace in Hangzhou took more than 20 years to build during the Southern Song Dynasty. There has been no record about the number of maids in the palace, but a court musician mentioned that there used to be 3,000 maids working at the palace. When the Song Dynasty fell to the Mongolian invaders, most of these maids were captured and moved to the north and married to the craftsmen in the capital of the Yuan Dynasty.
It should be noted that, due to language barrier, memory lapse, errors in translation and transcripts through various hands, there is some inconsistency between Marco Polo’s account of Hangzhou and the actual facts. However, the authenticity of his travelogue cannot be negated. There is no solid basis to doubt his visits to Hangzhou.
(Translated by David)