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  The Great Wall and the Grand Canal, two great engineering miracles of ancient China, are historical monuments and everlasting pride of the Chinese nation. They are two great Chinese contributions to the world civilization. It is our glorious mission and obligation to well preserve them.
  The Great Wall, which has been recognized as a World Cultural Heritage Site and successfully placed under essential state protection, can be compared to a standstill history while the Grand Canal showcases a flowing culture. We need to double our endeavors to protect the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and make all the appropriate preparations for successfully getting the World Cultural Heritage status for the canal. The canal is more than a long corridor of great cultural heritage. It has been a golden waterway for dynamic cultural and social progress for neighboring regions over centuries. Protecting the canal is vitally important not only for maintaining its great historical and cultural values but also for promoting its great economic and social values.
  The Grand Canal still plays a dynamic role in regional transportation, irrigation and flood control despite the great vicissitudes it has experienced over a millennium. An important waterway between Beijing and Hangzhou and within the Yangtze River Delta where goods are transported to and fro, the canal sees more than 100,000 ships navigate through it every year, carrying the freight 3 times than that carried by Beijing-Hangzhou railway. It also functions as part of a huge project of water diversion from the south to the north. By using the canal, the project can save a great deal of investment, labor and land. Teeming with scenes of natural beauty and cultural and historical interests, the canal strings all the cities along it like pearls on a glistening necklace. It has served as “an incubator”for economic and social prosperity and as a name card for tourism for cities along the canal.
  The historical, cultural, economic and social significance of the canal has caught the great attention both at home and abroad. Led by Vice Chairperson Chen Kuiyuan and organized by the CPPCC Culture & History Study Committee, a group of CPPCC members toured the Grand Canal from end to end in May 2006 in a field study of the canal’s preservation and utilization. At the invitation of the committee, a team of experts in various fields participated in the field study. A seminar was held in Hangzhou on the subject of preservation of the canal and application for the world cultural heritage site for the canal. At the seminar, a declaration was adopted to promote the preservation and application efforts.
  A great headway has been made in the canal preservation and application for its world cultural heritage status. The State Council has included the canal in the sixth batch of key cultural heritage sites for state protection. The State Administration for the Preservation of Cultural Relics has also placed it on a revised list of the country’s candidates for world cultural heritage statuses. Comprehensive improvement projects have been initiated in some cities along the canal for the purpose of better preservation and utilization. However, the preservation and application task is arduous and there exist some thorny problems due to inadequate attention paid to the importance of the task. Consequently, over a long time, separate projects of preservation and maintenance have been conducted under different regional administration without integrated efforts and results; there has been no unified plan for preservation or mechanism for overall coordination and management; the canal as a whole has been on the serious decline; the section north of Jining, Shandong Province has been dry for a while; some sections have been seriously polluted; traffic congestion on the canal occurs here and there frequently; some sections of the ancient waterway have been vandalized repeatedly; some ancient water control projects on the canal and important ancient architectures related to the canal have been dismantled to make room for new urban projects; intangible cultural heritages along the canal such as folk lifestyles and arts have been deteriorating.
  We are highly concerned that the millennium-old canal of history and culture would be continuously wrecked by nature and man until it dies if no urgent measures are taken to solve the above-mentioned problems. If the canal died on us, that could be too great a loss to the Chinese nation and we would be shamed to face our ancestors, ourselves, and our children. Therefore we make the following suggestions:
  1. Set up an integrated coordination mechanism and strengthen organization and administration. A committee for the administration of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal should be set up, which should be headed by the State Council leaders for the purpose of overall preservation, utilization, development, and application for the canal’s world cultural heritage status. Measures should be taken to avoid the situation in which each region manages its own canal preservation and utilization work in its own way. A research institute should be set up to engage national and local governments and CPPCC local branches, and experts in conducting an overall survey of the cultural heritage of the canal. The application plan for the world cultural heritage site should be completed as soon as possible in conformity with the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage.
  2. Formulate preservation regulations and promote preservation in accordance with the law. The law should be in place to ensure effective preservation. Given the serious and urgent situation of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, it is suggested that the State Council issue regulations on the protection of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in the pattern of the Regulations on the Protection of the Great Wall, specifying the guideline, principle, responsibility, formulation of action plans, fund sources, and supervision.
  3. Make an overall planning for comprehensive utilization and protection and scientifically carry out the south-north water diversion project. Measures should be taken to improve the design plan to incorporate the canal into the south-north water diversion project for the purpose of fully utilizing the ancient waterway and reintroducing water into the whole canal, and speed up social and economic development along the canal. In fully tapping into the advantages of the canal, destruction to its historical heritage and appearance should be minimized. Effective measures should be taken to protect tangible and intangible cultural heritage along the canal. More actions should be taken to minimize pollution and restore the canal’s ecology.
  4. Mobilize the people of all quarters to participate in the protection and application for the world cultural heritage status. A protection fund should be set up and the public be encouraged to engage in protection tasks. News media and internet should be brought into full play to publicize the protection and application campaigns. It is suggested that CCTV make a full-length documentary on the canal to publicize the cultural content and unique value of the canal as a cultural heritage. Activities should be held before the second Cultural Heritage Day by June 10th this year for a nationwide campaign for the love and protection of the canal.
  (Translated by David)
一袭米色外套,颈挂深色格子围巾,86岁高龄的著名电影表演艺术家孙道临先生在夫人及女儿的陪同下,于今年2月2日抱病回到故乡嘉善,为以其名字命名的电影艺术馆开馆仪式剪彩。此前的2003年11月3日,他也曾来到嘉善亲自为这座电影艺术馆奠基,他说:“能够为故乡的文化事业建设做点贡献深感欣慰。”  作为中国电影艺术界的著名代表人物,孙道临在长达半个多世纪的艺术生涯中,出演了《雷雨》《日出》《家》《乌鸦与麻雀
每次出席“两会”,都如沐春风。今年的“两会”尤其这样。  今年政协会议上,我提出了一个关于在重要古村镇抓紧建立小型博物馆的提案。在这里我先讲讲这个提案的主要思路。  我国历史悠久,民族众多,自然气候不同,文化板块多样,形成了千姿百态、风情各异的古村镇。古村镇是中华大地上最大的文化遗产。中华文化的多样性在古村镇中,非物质文化遗产在古村镇中,少数民族的文化遗产绝大部分在古村镇中;中华民族文化的根也深深
青年演员马苏,除了演过《我的功夫女友》里的开心、《爱在有情天》里的孙秀冬、《碧血剑》里的侠女安小慧、《大唐歌飞》里的许合子、《我是冠军》里的小璇外,还有一个最重要的身份,那就是乒坛名将、乒乓球教练孔令辉的女朋友。马苏和孔令辉从不掩饰自己的情侣身份,最近更亲口承认好事将近,已经把结婚提上了议程。  2002年在刘国梁的生日聚会上,同是主人好朋友的马苏和孔令辉第一次见面了,尽管开始只是一般朋友间的寒暄
2007年2月24日中午,当著名相声艺术家姜昆和戴志诚出现在美国华盛顿中国知青协会春节聚会现场时,到会的数百名会员们都感到惊喜!  姜昆是随2007新春中国广播艺术团抵美巡演的。他们从洛杉矶到华盛顿的当天,就在马里兰州开始了首场演出,姜昆和搭档戴志诚的相声《精彩网络》是整台演出的压轴戏。演出中,当姜昆看到演出的舞台四周都设有包厢,并坐满了观众,于是当即不安地对舞台背面的观众表示道歉,并自我调侃地安
没有鲜花、没有掌声,除了学生早已给老师泡好的一杯绿茶,已经卸下“浙江省作协专职副主席”职务的著名作家王旭烽,4月4日在浙江林学院上的第一堂课,一切都那么低调、平静、自然。  王旭烽见到现场有那么多的记者,颇感意外:“我不是来作秀的,我只是想做点自己喜欢的事。我现在是一位普普通通的老师,原来就是干这一行的,本来就是业余作家,我是归队而已。”    “茶文化”第一课  得体的外套、丝巾、格子裙、高跟鞋
上世纪40年代,蒋经国先生在赣州施展着他的政治抱负,也在赣州孕育了蒋孝严、蒋孝慈一双骨肉。半个多世纪过去后,作为蒋氏后裔的蒋孝严,情恋故土,念念不忘孕育了他生命的土地——    赣州(1997年赣南撤地设市改称赣州)是一块神奇的土地,古往今来无数有识之士为它书写了一幅又一幅浓墨重彩的历史篇章,蒋经国先生就是其中之一,他是对赣州历史产生过重大影响的人物。    根在赣州  蒋孝严的母亲章亚若,以其多
联合国粮农组织在世界范围内评选出5个古老的农业作业,作为世界农业遗产进行保护。有着悠久历史的浙江青田县“稻鱼共生系统”,被联合国粮农组织列为“全球重要农业文化遗产”,这是亚洲唯一入选的一个农业项目,浙江青田田鱼由此名驰海内外。    五彩斑斓“鱼美人”  田鱼有红、黑、白、花等多种颜色,五彩斑斓,十分好看,许多人称它为“鱼美人”。因为它生长在稻田里,游动时为了避免与稻丛碰撞,故身子练得特别轻巧,游
浙医二院外科主任医师彭淑牖教授,为中国的外科临床医疗、教学、科研拼搏了半个世纪,作出了突出贡献,如今74岁的他依然每天工作10多个小时,依然坚持一年做200台手术。    “魔术刀”颠覆传统外科手术    无影灯下,“主刀”大夫正紧张地切、割、吸、缝、扎,并不停地伸出手来转换器械,助手们不时地向他递上所需的器械,豆大的汗珠从他的额头上不断沁滴下来,旁边的护士不停地为他拭汗……,这是我们经常看到的经
2007年新年刚刚到来,年届八旬的浙江师范大学老教授蒋风,欣喜地收到第11届国际格林奖初评组发来的“伊妹儿”,告知他荣幸地被列为第11届国际格林奖候选人。  国际格林奖是国际儿童文学界的一项权威奖项,每两年评选一次,每次从全世界范围内评选出一位对儿童文学作出突出贡献的人。格林奖至今已评选过10届,已有10人获此殊荣。蒋风先生自离休以来,十多年内在儿童文学战线上已先后获得全国艺术科学重点研究一等奖、