“I have prepared my whole life for this lesson and, in general, I have spent all my life preparing lessons for each lesson, but for the direct preparation of this topic, or for on-site preparation, It took only about 15 minutes. ”Many times, this passage always haunted me. A “preparation” needs a lifetime, whether it can exert collective power, shorten the cycle, so that more teachers and students benefit. Thus, based on “master ” under the guidance of “cooperation and win-win” type of collective lesson preparation came into being. Words like “win-win cooperation” in China’s foreign policy appear more and more frequently. To develop the country, we must achieve “win-win cooperation ” in order to obtain the momentum of development. Well, in the teaching like “win-win cooperation ”, “win-win ” These corporate philosophy has become more and more our consensus, behind closed doors, can only block their teaching philosophy, slow down the new