Few people pay attention to Liang Bin’s novel from the angle of city writing, especially in the novels of rural subjects. Liang Bin’s classic book “Hong Qi Pu” although the theme of rural revolutionary novels, but there is a certain amount of city writing. The city’s writing in The Red Flag shows the urban outlook of rural people, including the peasantry represented by Zhu Laozhong and Yan Zhihe, and the landlord class represented by Feng Lanchi. Liang Bin has two ways of narrating rural people’s urban concept: (1) the direct way, which is realized through the sensory experience of rural people’s own urban life; (2) the indirect way, which is reflected by the rural people’s narration of urban people achieve. The city writing in “Red Flag” of Liang Bin plays a certain role in revealing the background of the times and shaping the character of the characters.