根据中美两国科学交流计划的协议,美国首批来华的科研人员中在地学领域里是卢西·琼斯(Lucy Jones)小姐。琼斯现年24岁,她的祖父母过去曾以基督教卫理公会传教士的身份在中国居住了约40年,她的两个伯父是美国政府的中国问题专家。她曾随其伯父在台湾生活一年,其间就读并毕业于台北市的美国高中(1971年)。以后她在布朗大学攻读中国语言文学和物理学,修毕结业取得学位(1976年)。大学毕业后又考入麻省理工学院地球与行星系研究生,研究课题为:1.“前震”,导师为莫
According to the agreement between China and the United States on science exchange programs, among the first batch of scientists and researchers coming to China in the United States, Miss Lucy Jones is in the field of geography. Jones, now 24, has lived in China for about 40 years as a Christian Methodist missionary in the past, and her two uncles are Chinese government experts on the issue of the United States. She spent a year in Taiwan with her uncle, studying and graduating from the American High School in Taipei (1971). Later she studied Chinese Language, Literature and Physics at Brown University and completed her studies after graduation (1976). After graduating from college and admitted to Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate of Earth and Planetary Systems, research topics: 1. “Pre-earthquake”, mentor Mo