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本文以《看见十九世纪台湾——十四位西方旅行者的福尔摩沙故事》(Curious Investigations:19th-century American and European Impressions of Taiwan)为主要分析对象,将西方人讲述的台湾故事当做西方对东方的观看和关于台湾的知识生产,探讨何种事物被选择为讲述对象,考察来自西方的“凝视”(gaze)究竟产生了怎样的台湾图景。首先,将西方旅行者对台湾自然事物的发现与19世纪西方的科学发展相联系,说明对未知世界的探险、科学化的叙述和世界范围内的知识传播是由西方主导的。而旅行者对台湾人文景观的记录则表现为观察与被观察、控制与被控制的权力关系,是西方主体对东方他者的认知投射。第二,借用文化与社会关键词的论述,将旅行者对台湾人文与社会的讲述集中于一些有代表性的词汇中,如“野蛮人”、汉人与儒家文化等,这些词汇体现了西方主体的意识与观念,呈现了当时西方眼中的台湾知识地图。原住民被作为讲述中心可能与西方眼中的文明位阶相关;汉人和儒家文化受到贬抑是中华文明衰落和西方文明崛起的世界格局所决定的。 In this article, I will take Curious Investigations: 19th-century American and European Impressions of Taiwan as the main analysis object and regard the Taiwanese story about Westerners as Western viewing of the East and production of knowledge about Taiwan explored what kind of things were chosen as narrative objects and examined what kind of Taiwanese scene the ’gaze’ from the west came about. First, linking Western travelers’ discoveries of natural things in Taiwan to those of Western science in the 19th century shows that the exploration of the unknown world, the scientific narration, and the worldwide spread of knowledge are dominated by the West. The traveler’s record of the cultural landscape in Taiwan is manifested as the relationship between the power of observation and observation, control and control. It is the cognitive projection of Western subjects on the other side of the East. Second, using the discourse of cultural and social keywords, we will focus on travelers’ descriptions of Taiwan’s humanities and society in some representative terms such as “barbarians”, Han Chinese and Confucianism, etc. The awareness and concept of Western subjects present a map of Taiwan’s knowledge in the eyes of the West. The aboriginal center of being narrated may be related to the civilized status in the eyes of the West. The devaluation of Han Chinese and Confucianism is determined by the declining Chinese civilization and the rise of Western civilization.
通过对20%依维菌素.氟虫双酰胺悬浮剂(SC)助剂筛选实验,确定了最佳制剂配方:依维菌素6.7%,氟虫双酰胺13.3%、TERSPERSER2500 2%,BY-140 2%,SP-SC29 2%,防冻剂丙二醇4%,硅酸
本研究通过对填料、分散剂、润湿剂、渗透剂、黏结剂等主要助剂的系统筛选,最后确定60%肟菌酯.己唑醇水分散粒剂配方筛选组成,优选配方为肟菌酯含量为20%,己唑醇40%,Morwet I
本文通过北师大版二年级数学《分桃子》一课的教学设计,展现师生的互动及教师调控课堂的艺术。 This article through the Beijing Normal University version of the secon