
来源 :高等学校化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LIKE0610
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Our previous studies show that mid-FTIR spectroscopy can be used to distinguish malignant oral tissue from normal tissue under in vitro condition. Here, an in-situ FTIR spectroscopic measurement was performed to record FTIR spectra of normal and malignant oral tissues including salivary gland, tongue, parotid gland, submandibular gland etc. during clinical examination. The FTIR spectra of various oral tissues were acquired when an ATR probe linked to the FTIR spectrometer via mid-IR optical fibers was pressed on the tissues of the patients. For example, a patient(male, 76 years old) with tumor on the left parotid and the corresponding normal tissue on the right parotid were measured and obvious differences were observed. The spectral features of normal tissue and tumor are in good agreement with the criteria established in our previous work. (1) 1 389 cm -1 band is quite strong in tumor, while the corresponding band in normal tissue is weaker than 1 452 cm -1 band. (2) In normal tissue, 1 250 cm -1 band is stronger, but the 1 250 cm -1 band disappeared in the skin of malignant tissue. The above results demonstrate that in vivo FTIR spectra are in good agreement with our previous results obtained under in vitro condition. We believe that in vivo FTIR spectroscopy, providing the first-hand information concerning whether the suspected tissue is cancerous or not, is helpful for doctors in clinical activity. Our previous studies show that mid-FTIR spectroscopy was performed to record FTIR spectra of normal and malignant oral tissues including salivary gland, tongue, parotid gland, submandibular gland etc. during clinical examination. The FTIR spectra of various oral tissues were acquired when an ATR probe linked to the FTIR spectrometer via mid-IR optical fibers was pressed on the tissues of the patients. For example, a patient (male, 76 years old) with tumor on the left parotid and the corresponding normal tissue on the right parotid were measured and obvious differences were observed. The spectral features of normal tissue and tumor are in good agreement with the criteria established in previous work (1) 1 389 cm -1 band is quite strong in tumor, while the corresponding band in normal tissue is weaker than 1 452 cm -1 band. (2) In norma l tissue, 1 250 cm -1 band is stronger, but the 1 250 cm -1 band disappeared in the skin of malignant tissue. The above results demonstrate in vivo FTIR spectra are in good agreement with previous results obtained under in vitro condition We believe that in vivo FTIR spectroscopy, providing the first-hand information of either the suspected tissue is cancerous or not, is helpful for doctors in clinical activity.
俗话说,兴趣是最好的老师。在数学课中培养学生的兴趣至关重要。如果学生对所学内容感兴趣,便会使大脑产生优势兴奋,表现为注意集中,记忆深刻,思维敏锐。数学知识本身具有一定的枯燥性,如何吸引学生的注意,使他们更好地投入数学活动中去呢?根据现代教学理论,根据学生自身的特点,能快乐学习,创造学习,关键在于教与学方式的多样化。    学习兴趣是学生学习的根本动力和内驱力,激发学生的学习兴趣是使学生更好地掌握所
随着信息技术的发展,信息日益成为社会各领域中最活跃、最具有决定意义的因素,人们基本的学习能力实际上就是体现在对信息资源的获取、加工、处理以及对信息工具的掌握和使用上。教育改革的发展,向我们教师提出了新的更高的要求,为了适应时代发展的需要,我们教师应该进行创新教育。要培养学生的创新能力,主要从以下入手。    一、激发学生兴趣,重视课堂导入    在物理教学中,教师要利用好课本的资源,抓住机遇,创新
摘要:立体动画、利于学生构建空间概念,动态演示、化难为简,观察归纳、突破难点,绘图训练、巩固效果。    关键词:黄赤交角;地球绕日公转;太阳直射点的移动;空间运动;时空结合  人教版教材必修一第一章第三节中的“太阳直射点的移动”一直都是教学中的重点和难点,太阳直射点为何会移动更是学生难以理解的内容,该原理就像是学生学习自然地理的一只拦路虎。教材中也仅有“地球在公转过程中,地轴的空间指向和黄赤交角
在政治课教学过程中,为了达到既定的教学目标,从教学需要出发创设与教学内容相适应的教学情境探究非常重要。心理学家皮亚杰认为,“教师不应企图将知识硬塞给学生,而应该找出能引起学生兴趣、刺激学生的材料,然后让学生自己解决问题”。学生在创设的情境中接受知识、内化情感,“以需生思,以疑激思,以情促思”,在生动活泼的学习探究过程中学会思考、学会学习、学会做人。    一、需要情境探究:以需生思    兴趣来源
摘要:学生在物理学习过程中常常会出现一些意想不到的错误,如看错题目,抄错数字,看错单位,混淆了概念等等。如果让学生用自己的语言描述,反映的往往是自己产生错误的一些表面原因,如“粗心”,“看错题目”,“计算错误”,“背错公式”等等。这些看似简单的错误往往是致命的,教师要通过引导学生去研究、发现产生这些错误的本质性原因,帮助学生完善认知,学会物理地思考,改善学习方式,提高反思能力。    关键词:物理
对于九年级刚刚升入高一的同学,为了使他们系统地、牢固地掌握初中阶段的化学基础知识和基本技能,顺利地学好高中化学。就初中和高中化学的衔接问题和同仁们探讨一下,现将感受和收获整理如下,和同行们交流一下。    初中化学教材在知识内容和教学要求上都与现行高中化学教学大纲、教材有着些许的脱节现象。有的教师在高中化学教学起始阶段由于没有处理好初高中化学接轨的教学,不顾学生的知识及心理承受能力,就开快车赶进度