From January to August this year, the global oil demand showed a month-on-month increase in the rate of 30-60% per month in the international market. It is not hard to see that oil prices have been rising steadily this year Is the lagged effect caused by the oil demand in the early stage. However, since the long-term residual oil supply and demand surplus in the world has become clear since April 2005, the kinetic energy of rising oil prices has been exhausted and will slip into the slippery passage. By suppressing oil consumption demand to promote the return of oil prices, will lead to economic slowdown ball. The rise of international oil prices will have a direct inhibitory effect on China’s investment and its inhibitory effect on the national income and consumption will manifest itself in the second half of this year to the first half of this year. The impact of changes in oil prices on consumption is long-term, while the national income is medium-term, while the impact on investment is short-term.