Identifications of products of geographical origin based on geochemical zoning

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fang0998_cn
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The protection system of products of geographical origin has become one hot subject with which various countries throughout the world are concerned. Results of element-Pb isotope geochemical mapping indicate that there emerge a number of famous-brand high-quality product groups of geographical origin in China. The environment of production of China’s famous-brand white spirits of geographical origin at the Sichuan-Guizhou border is still a mystery to be solved. China has two main communities of white spirits of geographical origin, i.e., the most famous are Moutai and Wuliangye spirits. By element-Pb isotope geochemical tracing, we can establish the natural background geological, geographical and geochemical scientific data mark ers in close relation with source areas. Research on the product of geographical origin, named Kaempferia galangal L. in the Shuangjiao district, Yangchun, Guangdong Province, showed that the trace elements have an excellent heritance between Kaempferia galangal L. and soil in this area, and the trace elements are highly effective for tracing the origin. The protection system of products of geographical origin has become one hot subject with which various countries throughout the world are concerned. Results of element-Pb isotope geochemical mapping indicate that there emerge a number of famous-brand high-quality product groups of geographical origin in China. The environment of production of China’s famous-brand white spirits of geographical origin at the Sichuan-Guizhou border is still a mystery to be solved. China has two main communities of white spirits of geographical origin, ie, the most famous are Moutai and Wuliangye spirits. By element-Pb isotope geochemical tracing, we can establish the natural background geological, geographical and geochemical scientific data mark ers in close relation with source areas. Research on the product of geographical origin, named Kaempferia galangal L. in the Shuangjiao district , Yangchun, Guangdong Province, showed that the trace elements have an excellent heritance between Kaempferia galan gal L. and soil in this area, and the trace elements are highly effective for tracing the origin.
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