Tangshan Earthquake: meaning in life after disaster

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  Zhang Ling's novella Aftershock has been adapted in 2010 into movie Tangshan Earthquake by director Feng Xiaogang and became quite hot at a time. At the meantime, Zhang Ling released his new novel Tangshan Earthquake based on the former Aftershock, which was published by Flower City Publishing House in 2013.
  The novel is centering on the female protagonist Wang Xiaodeng (name means “small lamp”). When she was seven years old, the eruption of Tangshan earthquake ruined her carefree childhood and her life ever after. Over the following 30 years, Xiaodeng had been in a state of escape, only pressing herself up to the fringe of death time after time. Not until she decided to face her inner sorrow had she returned to Tangshan, her hometown, and got the spiritual redemption and liberation in the end.
  As the latest novel creation of him, the author changed his former writing style adopted in Aftershock - Xiaodeng became a line, and a net, which connected together her mother, her husband, her brother, her sister-in-law, her after-father, the doctor and herself, together with an in-depth psychological analysis of the characters, providing a stronger insight of disaster and human and realizing the leap of the work, like a butterfly who has broken its cocoon.
  People’s minds are more unexpected than the Earth and the universe. This disaster novel, also a psychological one, was just written from the perspective of people for the description of the while story about Tangshan earthquake, an unprecedented catastrophe; the master, Zhang Ling, started from Wang Xiaodeng – a normal victim and family of the earthquake – a mirror of individuality, to thousands of families affected, reflecting a feeling of frustration, regret, cruelty, but still more about kindness and tolerance of human nature.
  The novels did not only focus on or exaggerate the sadness of the disaster, but presents more about the unique characteristics of Chinese - forbearance and self-repression, as well as the resilience in face of disaster - it’s a reflection of national characteristics in this era.
  Be Aftershock called the root, Tangshan Earthquake is the branches and new leaves growing out from it. After reading the novel, you will feel it is a masterpiece looking into the nature of life, which deserves a notable place in the literary history.
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