金秋十月,又到了秋收时节。 我们将以怎样的心情,迎接这收获的季节? 有人满心欢喜,打理着饱满的粮仓。有人踌躇满志,预备着来年的种粮。有人愁容满面,不知该如何兑现丰收的承诺。有人颗粒无收,旧债未了,又要面对明日的饥荒。还有人不得不离开土地,另谋生计。 几家欢喜几家愁。审视这张秋收的百象图,我们不禁要为“一分耕耘,一分收获”的格言加上新的注脚,因为不耕耘一定没有收获,而耕耘也未必一定有收获。秋收只是结果,这一结果取决于从选种到耕种的全过程。 秋收取决于选种,我们不能允许有毒或有害的种子祸及农田。秋收取决于对播
Autumn in October, another autumn harvest season. We will be in what kind of mood, to greet the harvest season? Someone happy, take care of the full granary. Some people complacent, ready for the coming year’s grain. Some people saddened, I do not know how to honor the promise of good harvest. Someone has no income, old debts have yet to face the famine tomorrow. Others have to leave the land and make another living. Several happy few worry. When we look at the picture of this autumn harvest, we can not help but add a new footnote to the motto of “one plowing and one harvest” because no hard work will certainly not be achieved and the hard work may not necessarily be rewarded. Autumn harvest is only the result, the result depends on the whole process from selection to cultivation. Autumn harvest depends on the selection, we can not allow poisonous or harmful seeds crop farmland. Autumn harvest depends on the broadcast