(上接第11期第20页)人生幸赖桥梁渡7月9日星期二阴有雷阵雨晚上阅读《桥梁专家茅以升》一书 ,深受教育。现摘录茅以升晚年自己总结的人生哲语 :“人生一征途耳 ,其长百年 ,我已走过十之八九。回首前尘 ,历历在目。崎岖多于平坦 ,深谷、洪涛 ,幸赖桥梁渡 ,桥何名欤?曰?
(Continued from page 11, p. 20) Fortunately, life and rely on the bridge crossing Tuesday, July 9 Overcast thunderstorm at night reading “bridge expert Mao Yisheng,” a book, well educated. Now excerpt Mao Yisheng himself in his later years of life philosophy: “Life is a journey, its long hundred years, I have come a long way back.” Looking back upon the dust, vividly in the eyes. Rough more than flat, deep valley, Hong Tao, fortunately Bridge crossing, what is the bridge 欤?