
来源 :地理学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZNZXCTH
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Wide collection on the historic records of the climatic changes and flood events is performed in the Yangtze Delta. Man-Kendall (MK) method is applied to explore the changing trends of the time series of the flood discharge and the maximum high summer temperature. The research results indicate that the flood magnitudes increased during the transition from the medieval warm interval into the early Little Ice Age. Fluctuating climate changes of the Little Ice Age characterized by arid climate events followed by the humid and cold climate conditions give rise to the frequent flood hazards. Low-lying terrain made the study region prone to the flood hazards, storm tide and typhoon. MK analysis reveals that the jumping point of the time series of the flood discharge changes occurred in the mid-1960s, that of the maximum summer temperature changes in the mid-1990s, and the exact jump point in 1993. The flood discharge changes are on negative trend before the 1990s,they are on positive tendency after the 1990s; the maximum high summer temperature changes are on negative trend before the 1990s and on positive tendency after the 1990s. These results indicate that the trend of flood discharge matches that of the maximum high summer temperature in the Yangtze Delta. The occurrence probability of the maximum high summer temperature will be increasing under the climatic warming scenario and which will in turn increase the occurrence probability of the flood events. More active solar action epochs and the higher sea surface temperature index (SST index) of the south Pacific Ocean area lying between 4°N-4°S and 150°W-90°W correspond to increased annual precipitation, flood discharge and occurrence frequency of floods in the Yangtze Delta. This is partly because the intensified solar activities and the higher SST index give rise to accelerated hydrological circulation from ocean surface to the continent, resulting in increased precipitation on the continent.
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小时候,我城里有个舅妈,在商业上工作。那时的商业,很吃香,不像现在,清汤冷水。即使像舅妈这样站食品柜台的,日子也比一般人家红火。  这个舅妈,我总体印象还好,觉得她对我这个乡下外甥不算太抠门儿。因为每次随妈妈去她家,她都会拿饼干给我吃。那时,我们乡下孩子,大多一年到头不知道饼干是什么味。  舅妈拿给我的饼干,我从来舍不得大口大口吃掉,而是一点一点放在舌尖上,用唾液洇湿了,抿在嘴里,一丝一丝往肚里咽
夜已经很深了,可是躺在床上的胖婶,却翻来覆去地睡不着。本家侄子要租地的事如一张网,困扰得她怎么也找不到出口,寝食难安。  侄子春节前就来说,要租胖婶的二亩地。胖婶租也不是,不租也不是。一大家子五口人,都指望着这二亩地的收成。若连这块口粮田都没了,那以后吃什么、喝什么,胖婶心里犯着疑惑。对于此,在外打工的儿子却不以为然。出租土地的钱可以买粮吃,想吃什么就买什么。村里的商店,馒头、包子,各种面条、面片
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退休离开岗位那天,单位为我小范围开了个欢送会。领导评价我说:“老李是个实在人,工作任劳任怨,凡事从没摇过头。”又轻轻拍了我的肩膀两下,“也要学会摇头呀,该搖头时一定要摇头。”我点头说好。领导摇头哈哈大笑。看到领导摇头时那么自然潇洒,我决心学会摇头,并且暢快大方地摇一次头。  回到家,夫人做了饭,问我味道如何。我摇头说有点咸、缺鲜味。夫人眼睛一瞪说:“都吃几十年了,这会儿却挑口味了。以后退了休时间多
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