目的了解云南省德宏州吸毒哨点人群艾滋病病毒(HIV)、丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染率及相关卫生服务利用情况。方法按照《全国艾滋病哨点监测方案》的要求对2011—2013年德宏州4个吸毒人群艾滋病哨点监测对象进行问卷调查和HIV、HCV检测。结果 2011—2013年共监测4 878人次,其中2011年监测1 597名吸毒人员,HIV和HCV的感染率分别为11.6%和20.5%;2012年监测1 602名吸毒人员,HIV和HCV的感染率分别为9.6%和23.9%;2013年监测1 679名吸毒人员,HIV和HCV的感染率分别为10.8%和26.1%;3年间HIV感染率变化不明显(χ~2=0.52,P=0.471),HCV感染率明显上升(χ~2=14.49,P=0.000)。2011—2013年德宏州吸毒哨点监测人群接受艾滋病相关卫生服务情况显著不同,其中接受“同伴教育”卫生服务的比例分别为24.4%、56.4%、51.9%,接受“安全套宣传和发放/艾滋病咨询与检测”卫生服务的比例分别为44.3%、69.0%、60.3%,接受“社区药物维持治疗/清洁针具提供/交换”卫生服务的比例分别为14.2%、2.9%、2.3%。不同HIV和HCV感染状态者接受艾滋病相关卫生服务的情况不同。结论德宏州吸毒人群HIV和HCV感染率高,但相关卫生服务利用率低,必须加强吸毒人群健康教育与高危行为干预工作。
Objective To understand the prevalence of HIV and HCV among drug addicts in Dehong Prefecture of Yunnan Province and the related health service utilization. Methods According to the “National AIDS Sentinel Surveillance Program”, questionnaires and HIV and HCV testing were conducted among the 4 drug addicts in Dehong Prefecture during 2011-2013. Results A total of 4,878 person-times were monitored in 2011-2013, of which 1 597 drug addicts were monitored in 2011. The infection rates of HIV and HCV were 11.6% and 20.5% respectively. In 2012, 1 602 drug addicts were monitored, and the prevalence of HIV and HCV infection Respectively, 9.6% and 23.9% respectively. In 2013, 1,679 drug addicts were monitored. The prevalence of HIV and HCV was 10.8% and 26.1% respectively. There was no significant difference in HIV prevalence in the three years (χ ~ 2 = 0.52, P = 0.471) , HCV infection increased significantly (χ ~ 2 = 14.49, P = 0.000). In 2011-2013, there were significant differences in the HIV / AIDS related health services among drug abusers monitored in Dehong Prefecture, of which 24.4%, 56.4% and 51.9% received “peer education”, respectively, and received “condom promotion and The proportion of ”consultation / testing / delivery / AIDS counseling and testing“ for health services was 44.3%, 69.0% and 60.3% respectively, and the proportion of those receiving ”community medicine maintenance treatment / cleaning needle service / exchange / health service" was 14.2% and 2.9% , 2.3%. Differences in access to HIV-related health services between people with different HIV and HCV status. Conclusion The HIV / HCV infection rate among drug users in Dehong prefecture is high, but the utilization rate of related health services is low. Health education and high-risk behavior intervention among drug addicts must be strengthened.