韩国拥有5 000万人口,首都首尔有1 000万人,占全国人口的1/5。韩国的行政单位设有市道、郡区。有17个行政区,每个区设有1个消防局。1韩国119系统韩国消防历史悠久。国家消防自治体制的设置是从1992年开始的。最早设置的消防局是首尔市和釜山市。始设消防局防灾厅。韩国火灾报警电话号码是119。1.1 119系统功能韩国119通讯系统是一套功能完善的火警通报系
With a population of 50 million, South Korea has 10 million Seoul, or 1/5 of the country’s population. South Korea’s administrative units with the market, the county. There are 17 administrative districts, each with a fire station. 1 South Korea 119 system South Korea fire has a long history. The establishment of a national fire control system started in 1992. The earliest set of fire stations are Seoul and Busan. Set up the Fire Department Disaster Prevention Office. Korea fire alarm phone number is 119.1.1 119 System Function The Korea 119 Communication System is a complete fire alarm system