【摘 要】
magine that you are visiting the United States on a warm summer day. You decide to go to a baseball game.You watch and listen to the ac-tivity on the bright gr
magine that you are visiting the United States on a warm summer day. You decide to go to a baseball game.You watch and listen to the ac-tivity on the bright green baseball field. You hear many sounds, the bat hitting the ball, the fans cheering their teams, the announcement of the next batter. Among the sounds are the calls of people who are sell-ing food and cold drinds to those watching the game.One call is heard over and over
Magine that you are visiting the United States on a warm summer day. You decide to go to a baseball game.You watch and listen to the ac-tivity on the bright green baseball field. You hear many sounds, the bat hitting the ball, The fans cheering their teams, the announcement of the next batter. Among the sounds are the calls of people who are sell-ing food and cold drinds to those watching the game.One call is heard over and over
我们公司上网很方便,时间也很充裕,于是我成天泡在网上寻找商机。 一个偶然的机会,我在一个本地网站的二手市场上发现有人要转让一批饰品,出于好奇,我跟那人联系问了问情况。起初我并没有想买,因为我毕竟毫无这方面的经验。 谁知两天后那人又给我打电话,热情地说让我先看看货,迫于情面和女人的爱美心理我答应了。她说要出国,所以想把刚从广州精心挑来的饰品转让出去。 我看了她带来的样品。那些样品很精致,当然标
在2006年2月13 ̄15日的第16届中国国际钓鱼用品贸易展览会(CHINAFISH2006)开幕之前,我偶然看到在世界渔具工业最有影响的《世界渔具贸易》杂志上有一篇长达10页的文章报道这个
HAVING worked in the television industry for 15 years, I’ve been to various Chinese, European and American cities, but of all of them I like my hometown, Harbi
项目简介: 特殊日子送至爱亲朋一个水晶般透亮的玻璃饰品或在自己的温馨小屋摆放一个独一无二的玻璃花瓶,这一切都已经可以自己动手实现了。执起吹管,吹一个自己心仪的玻璃瓶
To be a vegetarian, the British Medical Association proposed that
地产界巨子王石先生,早前曾经“疯狂”地爱上了玉米。 他去深圳发展时,第一单就做成了30吨的玉米生意。 当时的深圳刚刚成为经济特区,养殖户急等着饲料,许多销售公司提着现款等货。王石用独到的眼光看到了这一点。 他设法通过铁路,将近千吨玉米运往深圳的笋岗北站。正想大赚一笔,麻烦来了。 经媒体报道,香港的鸡饲料里发现了致癌物质,出于连锁反应,抢手的玉米立时成了滞销货。 货站,王石的近千吨玉米积压