在儿童期选择满意的人工瓣置换主动脉瓣比较困难,所有的人工瓣对儿童均有内在的缺点,猪生物瓣和异体主动脉瓣型号大小比较适合儿童,但在主动脉瓣的位置早期会出现钙化和退行性变,因此限制了在儿童的应用。自体肺动脉瓣置换主动脉瓣,再用同种异体带瓣管道重建右心室流出道,此即目前所称的Ross手术。由Donald Ross于1967年首先报道该手术治疗主动脉瓣病变,但由于手术复杂,最初的息儿病死率很高,因此,未能得到及时推广。随着心脏外科各种技术的综合提高,以及Ross手术显现出的良好远期结果,在1991年Ross等报道了20年随访结果后,Ross手术逐渐为心脏外科医生所认同,并且发展迅速。现将Ross手术的临床应用情况综述如下。
It is difficult to choose satisfactory prosthetic valve replacement in children. All prosthetic valves have inherent disadvantages in children. Porcine petal and allogenic aortic valve models are more suitable for children, but in the early stage of aortic valve position Appear calcified and degenerative changes, thus limiting the application in children. Autologous pulmonary valve replacement aortic valve, and then allograft valve reconstruction of right ventricular outflow tract, which is now called Ross surgery. The first reported by Donald Ross in 1967 for the treatment of aortic valve disease, but because of the complexity of the operation, the initial high incidence of interest in children, therefore, failed to get timely promotion. With the combination of various techniques in cardiac surgery and the good long-term results of Ross surgery, Ross surgery was gradually recognized by heart surgeons and developed rapidly after reports of 20-year follow-up by Ross et al. In 1991. Now the clinical application of Ross surgery are summarized below.