安全经济 全面跃进

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在祖国建设乘风破浪日新月异持续跃进的大好形势鼓舞下,在省、市委和省电力工业局的正确领导下,通过学习贯彻党的八届八中全会决议精申,反透了右倾,鼓足了更大革命干劲,进一步提高了广大群众的政治觉悟和生产积极性,在全厂职工中掀起了以技术革命为中心,以安全经济为内容的比学赶帮竞赛高潮,从而保证了全厂600天无事故安全发电。总产值1959年较大跃进的1958年增长118%,今年上半年又提前27天超额完成了1960年上半年生产计划;发电成本1959年较1958年降低(?)3.05%,今年上半年又比去年同期降低36%,特别是1960年以来,由于技术革新、技术革命运动的蓬勃开展,大大提高了机械化、自动化程度,从而提高了设备出力,增加了安全生产的可靠性,劳动生产率较去年同期提高76%。以上成绩的取得是党 Inspired by the excellent situation in which the construction of the motherland has continued to leap through the waves and waves, under the correct leadership of the provincial, municipal and provincial electric power industry bureaus, through the study and implementation of the party’s eighth session of the Eighth Plenary Meeting resolution, it has reconstructed the rightist thinking and made more progress. The great efforts of the revolution has further enhanced the political awareness and production enthusiasm of the broad masses of the people. It has culminated in the competition of the science and technology centered on the technical revolution and the content of the safe economy as the culmination of the competition among the workers of the entire factory, thus ensuring that the whole plant will be free of accidents for 600 days. Safe power generation. The total output value increased by 118% in 1958 with a large leap in 1958. In the first half of this year, the production plan for the first half of 1960 was exceeded by 27 days in advance; the cost of electricity generation in 1959 was lower than that in 1958 (?) 3.05%. In the same period of last year, the reduction was 36%, especially since 1960. Thanks to technological innovation and the vigorous development of the technological revolutionary movement, the level of mechanization and automation has been greatly increased, which has increased the equipment output, increased the reliability of safety production, and the labor productivity was a year earlier. 76% increase. The achievement of the above results is the party
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这一期刊物以一个新的名称和讀者同志們見面了。 “高压开关技术报导”是由沈阳高压开关厂和西安开关终流器厂联合編办的。不久前两厂签定了技术合作协定,决定合办一个技术