Open Source Software Movement: A Challenging Opportunity for the Development of China's Softwar

来源 :Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cwdsy
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The software industries in developing countries are facing enormous challenges in order to grow amid fierce competition of import from the software makers in developed countries. Open source software (OSS) movement, which is a particular phenomenon in the software industries, seems to be a challenging opportunity for the developing countries that wants to move their own software industries up the value chain. This paper, using China as an example, identifies the issues that need to be addressed for the software industry, as well as the special characteristics of software products that need to be dealt with carefully. It proposes promoting OSS as a strategy the Chinese government should adopt to grow the software industry and the specific actions that should be taken. The software industries in developing countries are facing enormous challenges in order to grow amid fierce competition of import from the software makers in developing countries. Open source software (OSS) movement, which is a particular phenomenon in the software industries, seems to be challenging opportunity for the developing countries that wants to move their own software industries up the value chain. This paper, using China as an example, identifies the issues that need to be addressed for the software industry, as well as the special characteristics of software products that need to be dealt with carefully. It proposes OSS as a strategy the Chinese government should adopt to grow the software industry and the specific actions that should be taken.
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