Star-sensor-based predictive Kalman filter for satelliteattitude estimation

来源 :Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dzf2006
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A real-time attitude estimation algorithm, namely the predictive Kalman filter, is presented . This algorithm can accurately estimate the three-axis attitude of a satellite using only star sensor measurements. The implementation of the filter includes two steps: first, predicting the torque modeling error, and then estimating the attitude. Simulation results indicate that the predictive Kalman filter provides robust performance in the presence of both significant errors in the assumed model and in the initial conditions. A real-time attitude estimation algorithm, namely the predictive Kalman filter, is presented. The algorithm of precisely predicting the three-axis attitude of a satellite using only star sensor measurements. The implementation of the filter includes two steps: first, predicting the torque Modeling results, that then estimating the attitude. Simulation results indicate that the predictive Kalman filter provides robust performance in the presence of both significant errors in the assumed model and in the initial conditions.
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[摘要]通过对“传统农业与旧式农民”“现代农业与新型农民”两对关系的比较得出新型农民与现代农业的不可分性同时,我国目前处于传统农业和现代农业胶着运行状态,一般意义上的农民即旧式农民还占绝大部分的比例,因此用现代农业的理念来培育新型农民还需要一个长期的过程我们必须找到与现代农业相适应的产业支撑点以及有步骤有计划地来培育新型农民  [关键词]现代农业;新型农民;农民素质  [中图分类号]F30,F32