实验旨在研究鱼类标志对草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)血液生化指标的影响。选用108尾体长(18.54±2.04 cm)、体重(109.04±36.36 g)的草鱼,设6个处理组,分别为超声波标志组、Passive Integrated Transponder(PIT)标志组、荧光标志组、切鳍标志组、T型标志组和对照组。每个处理组设置3个重复,每个重复6尾草鱼,并在标志后的1、7、15 d从每个重复组随机选2尾草鱼进行抽血检验。结果表明:超声波标志对草鱼血液生化指标的影响最大,标志后1 d草鱼血清球蛋白、谷丙转氨酶、谷草转氨酶浓度显著性升高,氯离子浓度在标志后7及15 d也维持在较高水平,标志后15 d球蛋白浓度降低,但仍然显著性高于对照组;PIT标志、切鳍标志及T型标志对草鱼血液生化指标影响相对较小,PIT标志组草鱼在标志后7 d氯离子浓度显著性升高,15 d后恢复正常;切鳍标志组草鱼在标志后1 d甘油三酯浓度显著性下降,7 d后恢复正常;T型标志组草鱼在标志后1 d谷草转氨酶浓度显著性升高,7 d后恢复正常;荧光标志对草鱼血液生化指标影响最小,标志后所有生化指标与对照组均无显著性差异。荧光标志适用于大规模标志,标志后即可放流;PIT标志、切鳍标志和T型标志对草鱼的生理状况都产生一定的影响,建议在标志后至少暂养7 d再放流;超声波标志后草鱼至少暂养15 d,待其伤口愈合,消除标志对其产生的负面影响后再放流。
The aim of the experiment was to investigate the effects of fish signs on the blood biochemical markers of Ctenopharyngodon idellus. Grass carp with length of 108 (18.54 ± 2.04 cm) and body weight (109.04 ± 36.36 g) were selected and six treatment groups were selected as ultrasonic marker group, Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) marker group, fluorescent marker group, Group, T-type marker group and control group. Three replicates were set up for each treatment group, with 6 grass carps repeated each and two 2-month-old grass carp were randomly selected from each replicate group for blood tests at days 1, 7 and 15 after the marker. The results showed that the ultrasonic sign had the greatest effect on the blood biochemical indexes of grass carp. The concentrations of serum globulin, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase increased markedly on the first day after being marked, and the chloride ion concentration remained high at 7 and 15 days after the sign Globulin concentration decreased 15 d after the marker, but still significantly higher than that of the control group. PIT, fins and T-shaped markers had little effect on the blood biochemical parameters of grass carp. Ion concentration significantly increased 15 days later returned to normal; 1 day after the fish fed with the fin-finisher, the concentration of triglyceride decreased significantly and returned to normal after 7 days. In the T-type grass carp, the concentration of aspartate aminotransferase Significantly increased, and returned to normal after 7 days. Fluorescent markers had the least effect on the blood biochemical parameters of grass carp. All biochemical parameters after the marker showed no significant difference from the control group. Fluorescent signs are suitable for large-scale signs, the signs can be released after the release; PIT signs, fins and T-shaped signs on the physiological status of grass carp have a certain impact, it is recommended at least 7 days after the reigning signs of release; ultrasonic signs Grass carp held at least 15 d, to be wound healing, elimination of signs of the negative impact on its release after release.