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从日前举行的“2002中国罐头行业十强企业”发布会上获悉,我国罐头行业近几年重新焕发了勃勃生机,产量、出口量持续稳定增长。2001年,我国罐头行业完成产量173万吨,出口64万吨,成为我国出口增长最快的商品之一。据中国罐头工业协会有关负责人介绍,罐头产业将近50年时间里累计出口各类罐头食品2000多万吨,换汇超过200亿美元作为最早进入国际市场,最早打入发达国家,最早达到国际标准的产品,目前我国罐头食品仍是最主要的出口大宗产品,每年出口额均居食品工业的首位。全行业有年产万吨罐头,出口额千万美元以上的企业近20 According to the “2002 China’s Top Ten Canned Industry Enterprises” conference held recently, the canned food industry in China has renewed its vitality in recent years, and its output and export volume have continued to grow steadily. In 2001, China’s canned industry completed 1.73 million tons of output and exported 640,000 tons, making it one of the fastest growing commodities for China’s exports. According to the person in charge of the China Cannery Industry Association, the canning industry has exported more than 20 million tons of canned foods for over 50 years, and exchanged more than US$20 billion as the earliest entry into the international market. It first entered the developed countries and reached the international standard as early as possible. The products, currently China’s canned food is still the most important export of bulk products, the annual export volume ranks first in the food industry. Enterprises with an annual output of 10,000 tons of canned products and an export volume of over 10 million US dollars are nearly 20
Where does this golden road lead?Is this a true Software Giant or is it just another Snake TrickBeneath the growth,there is another story.Real situation:Growth
“十五”期间,特别是我国加入 WTO 以后,纺织工业无论从国内市场需求还是从国际竞争形势看,都将面临更为有利的发展机遇。为实现我国纺织工业“十五”发展的主要任务,适度加
为适应我国农网和城网的配电系统改造中对真空负荷开关的需要,浙江省冶金研究院以独特的高温烧结-熔渗工艺,于2001年研制出真空负荷开关上用的 WCu10触头材料,其各项性能指
与其说TCL是在不断跨越对手,不如说是在不断跨越自己。 TCL每一次向前、向上的跨越。都是和向后、向下的反思与探索结合在一起的。前面是梦想,后面是基础,上面是目标,下面是
20 0 2年 3月 1 5~ 1 7日 ,双星集团召开了2 0 0 1年小改小革、管理技术创新和质量竞赛总结表彰会 ,对 6个先进单位、6个先进车间、2 4个先进班组、1 8名双星劳动模范及 48名
澳大利亚农业资源经济局的最新报告称 ,明年世界奶制品价格将持续低迷。自 2 0 0 1年 1月以来 ,由于世界奶制品供应增大 ,需求减少 ,国际奶制品现货价格持续走低 ,预计 2 0 0
现在买卖2手MD的挺多的,特别是有些音质暴好的老机器像SONY MZ-R50,R55以及便宜些的R90,91等等。但是大家注意到MD的使用寿命没有?我听说MD光头的寿命是2000-3000小时,录放