Some thoughts of township ecological landscape

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  【Abstract】:Township landscape and planning and design of the connotation and significance can not be underestimated, when the urban construction in full swing development, the development of the township has also quietly started. Inadvertently, the emergence of a number of deformed cities after the construction of deformed townships. City is not the city, rural areas are not rural, monotonous, as the city under the 3D printer, and now spread to the construction of the township. The development of these plans, will soon be the last piece of pure soil, but also infected with a strong taste of reinforced concrete. How to develop the township ecological landscape, and reflect its aesthetic value is worth thinking about.
  【Keywords】:Township, ecology, landscape, planning
  Development is a topic, but it is how to develop a problem. When the development of urban construction in full swing, the development of township also has quietly begun. Inadvertently, emerged following the construction of a number of township deformity deformity city after construction. The city does not urban, not rural countryside, stereotyped as city construction 3D printer under construction now also spread to the towns of. The development of these plans, about to the last piece of pure land, but also infected with the strong flavor of reinforced concrete. How to develop township ecological landscape, and reflect its aesthetic value is worth considering.
  On the ecological landscape of the development model, in China, as the landscape of the ecological agriculture model, almost no. Foreign agricultural development model is not a single industry, but also the tertiary industry. In the development of a variety of industrial models, the proportion of agriculture is still high, not only to promote industrial development, but also for the local economic development has contributed. In this mode, agriculture is not only by the yield of profit in the case, but also to the development of agriculture to create a good environment for development, reducing the demand for profit caused by the relevant vicious problems, and create a good health food environment, On the one hand to improve the ecological of agriculture, on the other hand increased the ecological agriculture of the observability. In China, the proportion of agriculture is not as good as before, and the development model is single, the future food environment is not optimistic about the food safety problems after another. It also proves that the combination of agricultural development and ecological landscape is essential.   The development of agricultural landscape, in addition to the development of agriculture itself, he generated the "additional profits" is also very impressive. To the development of agricultural landscape and the famous tourism industry brought about by the economic benefits of the case also abound.
  On the artistic level, the landscape of the agricultural landscape of the art is very large. The rise of earth art, let us re-understanding the relationship between man and nature. Agriculture as the leading industry in rural areas, the proportion of development in the township is very large. In addition to the development of a variety of industrial models, the application of earth art is worthy of promotion and development. There is a poem in the ancient poem, "We must not ignore the artistic value of the agricultural landscape." We can not ignore the beauty of the agricultural landscape. On the other hand, it also embodies the values of harmony between man and nature. The integration of art and agriculture opens up new space for the development of agriculture and art.
  The above mentioned, mainly on the agricultural aspects of the analysis, in the township ecological planning, in addition to agriculture, there are other forms, the same to be developed, such as wetlands and other natural landscape, special scenic spots and resorts. I said these, and some are not like the existing development model, but the new, ecological, in line with the development of the township, there are local characteristics. At present, some local development is difficult to find features, most of which are unique, but gradually ignored, not being recognized by people found. For example, some indulgent culture, has faded out of people's attention, and we are struggling to pursue what the so-called "new" culture.
  Compared with China's rural areas, Japan's rural architecture has a more rural flavor, the scenery better. The key is that most of China's rural housing is more chaotic, and did not reflect the Chinese classical elements, to see the countryside, the new housing in the West, neither fish nor fowl. In fact, the continuation of traditional Chinese architecture will make people more sense of belonging, this is a heritage. The connotation and significance of township ecological landscape and township landscape planning and design are not to be underestimated. It is the backing of urban development and the top priority of ecological development. We say that the development of ecology, if even with their own ecological towns are not developed, how to talk about ecology, and how to apply the ecological better to the city.   Looking back the history of landscape development, it can be divided into three stages, the developed countries have entered the third stage, and the construction of urban landscape in China is in the second stage and the third stage, is in a critical period, the development of this period Decided in the next few decades the direction of China's urban landscape development, and domestic attention to the township landscape is only a matter of recent years, and the development is not ideal.Therefore, China's township planners can be described as a long way to go. How to do the real reference and absorption, the exclusion of the above phenomenon and the problem is the test of our township planners, but also to revive the new model of township ecological development opportunities.
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