20世纪90年代隆重推出的“古代文论现代转换”命题,今天已经走向冷寂。“转换”说的推出与“文论失语症”和“重建中国文论话语”的现实语境密不可分。学理上,“转换”说主张将古代文论话语“转换”为现当代文论话语;实践上,主张将之运用到当代文学创作和理论批评中来。这种双重指向正是“转换”说问世的现实前提和立论基础。因此,不能将古代文论的现代阐释或者当代价值与意义等同为现代转换;然而,绝大部分“转换”论者都直接把古代文论的现代阐释或当代价值视为“现代转换”。这无疑扩大了“转换”边界,泛化了“转换”内涵,也忽视了此说诞生时的历史背景和倡导者的初衷及目的。其实,当代文学理论的建构,不可能从古代文论的转换中得来,只能在当代文学批评和实践中逐渐形成。","The mode transformation of ancient literary theory was proposed in the 1990s,Today,it has go silent. The introduction of Conversion is inseparable with the realistic context of aphasia of literary theory and rebuilding china literary discourse. Theoretically,the conversion of the people advocated that the ancient literary theory discourse converted as a contemporary literary theory discourse.In practice, it advocates the principle is applied to the contemporary literary creation and theoretical criticism.The double point is the premise and foundation of realistic which conversion said invent-ed. Therefore, mode interpretation of ancient literary theory or contemporary value was not equivalent to the mode transformation. However,the majority of conversion were directly regard the mode interpretation of ancient literary the-ory or contemporary value as the mode transformation. This undoubtedly enlarged the boundary of conversion,but also ignored the meaning of words at the birth of the historical background and the original intention. In fact, the construc-tion of contemporary literature theory is not possible from the ancient literary theory, can only gradually formed in the contemporary literary criticism and practice.