“虚拟哲学”是近年来哲学研究的一个热点。从哲学角度研究电脑和互联网中的虚拟现象 ,大体上始于 2 0世纪 90年代中期 ,近些年来全国一些报刊发表了大量的研究成果 ,下面将有关虚拟哲学研究所涉及的一些理论问题作一简要述评。一、“虚拟哲学”能否成为当代哲学一个新的生长点
“Philosophy of Philosophy” is a hot point of philosophical research in recent years. From a philosophical perspective, research on the virtual phenomena in computers and the Internet generally began in the mid-1990s. In recent years, a large number of research achievements have been published in some newspapers and magazines throughout the country. In the following, some theoretical issues concerning the study of virtual philosophy Brief comment. First, “virtual philosophy” can become a new growth point of contemporary philosophy