官产学研合作是重大科技研发领域的一种组织模式,日本通产省组织实施的VLSI研发项目是构建官产学研合作的典型代表。二战后,曰本经济高速发展,实现了奇迹般的增长。日本通产省也名噪一时,在日本经济复苏中担当重任。曰本通产省对企业实行强有力的领导与干预,在超大规模集成电路(Very Large Scale
The cooperation between government, industry, universities and research institutes is an organizational model in the field of major scientific and technological research and development. The VLSI R & D project organized and implemented by Japan’s MITI is a typical example of building cooperation between government, industry, universities and research institutes. After World War II, Japan’s economy grew rapidly and achieved miraculous growth. Japan’s MITI is also famous for taking the lead in Japan’s economic recovery. Japan’s MITI exerts strong leadership and intervention on enterprises. In the VLSI (Very Large Scale)