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高职高专学生英语基础差,学习习惯、学习方法都存在一定的问题。在他们英语学习过程中加强“元认知策略”培训,这对于提高他们的英语学习兴趣,养成良好的英语学习习惯,掌握正确的学习方法,树立学习信心,从而积极主动地学习英语大有必要。 Higher vocational students have poor English fundamentals, learning habits, and learning methods all have certain problems. In their English learning process, they will strengthen the training of “metacognitive strategies”. This will increase their interest in learning English, develop good English learning habits, master correct methods of learning, and build confidence in learning so that they can learn English proactively and proactively. necessary.
【正】 Methane chlorides include methane monochloride,methane dichloride,methane trichloride and carbon tetrachloride.In China methane monochloride is mainly pr
【正】 Owing to the reformation of the majority shareholder and the forthcoming completion of Sinopec Group’s 10 million t/a refining project,Qingdao Soda Ash
【正】 Caustic Soda The price of caustic soda in northern Chinarose steadily in August.Caustic soda pro-ducers because of the Olympics Games had arelatively low
1、Leonardo was the love child of Caterina,a peasant,and Ser Piero,a lawyer andlandlord.He was homeschooled and lacked a formal education in Greek and Latin.2、
Soda ash In March soda ash price increased an average of RMB 100/t on February,or 40% and surg-ing 28.5% yearly.Heavy soda ash price is averaged at RMB2 185/t
On March 28th,Jiyuan Wanyang Smelting(Group)Company Limited came on stream an 80000 t/a lead smelting project in Jiyuan,Henan province of central China.“The p
盛夏的傍晚,大地依然闷热,偶而吹过一丝晚风也带着阵阵热气。漳州市市郊某外资企业仓库里,更是空气浑浊,热浪滚滚。灯光下,漳州海关3位关员正认真地清盘存货。 陪同关员在仓