In recent years, it is a foregone conclusion that the U.S. strategic center of gravity will be moving eastward. Although NATO will still play its transatlantic bond and European security umbrella under its leadership, it is also trying to go global. At the same time, the development of the European Union’s Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) has also drawn increasing attention. Not only has its internal construction achieved fruitful results, it has also begun to exert its unique international influence. This situation has forced the EU countries closely linked with the two major organizations to make new choices on security and defense issues that are different from the Cold War era. According to different situations, this article divides the EU member states into four categories: Atlantic Atlantic, Old Europe, New Europe, and Pre-neutral countries. By analyzing their attitudes toward NATO and CSDP, Summarizes its new features and trends in the ownership of security defense and forecasts the future co-opetitive relationship between the EU and NATO on security and defense issues.