In the history of theater development in the entire world, the 20th century Quartet modernist drama is no different from that of Qifeng. Unlike the traditional Western drama and even the naturalistic drama and the realistic drama, it no longer rebuilds the traditional drama on the basis of local reconstruction, but takes a resolute moral indignation and resolutely stands in the traditional theater. In particular, The opposite of commercial theater or popular theater calls for the overthrow of all the previous programs of theater to return to the origin of drama. After all the explorations of symbolism, expressionism, Brigitte’s “epic drama”, brutal drama, impoverished drama and absurd drama throughout the 20th century, the modernist drama, like its sudden rise at birth, collapsed into silence. The entire history of development shows a sense of incongruity, and the development face is also complicated and has many paths. However, is there a stable internal logic of art as a support and a clue throughout the campaigns in which each of your theatrical genres sing my debut? Is not the modernist theater movement merely ascribed to modernist thinking in the late 19th century Is the derivative of the rise of modernist philosophy? Is the end of the 20th century or early 21st century also a logical necessity? Is this the main issue that this paper wants to solve?