十一月十八日,我们乘车前往东京都台东区台东小学参观访问. 在欢迎队伍中,我们看到有几位中年妇女身穿艳丽的和服向我们躬身致意.我想,这几位中年妇女一定是怀着对中国人民的友好感情才穿上了节日的盛装来欢迎我们,但是,为什么其他女教师却都穿着西式服装而不穿和服呢?直到全校师生的欢迎大会上,我才恍然大悟。在文艺演出中,有一个节目是家长会的代表表演日本民族舞蹈。而在台上翩翩起舞的正是刚才欢迎队伍中身穿和服的那几位中年妇女. 日本的学校十分重视发挥家长的教育作用。日本朋友打比喻说,如果把学校的教育工作比作一辆两个轮子的车,那么,这辆车要前进,就必须两个
On November 18, we drove to Taitung Elementary School in Taitung, Tokyo. In the welcome team, we saw several middle-aged women wearing gorgeous kimonos to pay tribute to us. I think this Several middle-aged women must have welcomed the festive costumes with friendly feelings towards the Chinese people. However, why do other female teachers wear Western-style clothes instead of kimono? Until the whole school welcomes students and teachers. At last, I suddenly realized. In theatrical performances, there is a program where the representatives of the parent association perform Japanese folk dance. The dancers who danced on the stage were just a few middle-aged women who were welcoming the kimono in the team. Japanese schools attach great importance to the role of parents in their education. A Japanese friend said in his metaphor that if the educational work in the school is likened to a two-wheeled car, then if the car is to advance, it must be two.