1920马克斯·德沃夏克(Max Dvodk)在演讲手稿《埃尔·格列柯和手法主义》中为格列柯的艺术和手法主义恢复了它们精神上的名誉,给予了手法主义一个更稳定的风格定位。这不仅是对格列柯的艺术的重新认识,也是对手法主义风格价值的认可,也使得观众对艺术价值的认识更为宽容,更多的艺术形式被接纳。拓宽了艺术史的视野,艺术真正走向了多元化。
1920 Max Dvodk restored their spiritual reputation to Gletko’s art and methodism in his speech manuel El Greco and the Methodism, giving it a more stable Style positioning. This is not only a re-recognition of Greco’s art, but also the recognition of the value of the style of handcraft. It also makes the audience more tolerant of the artistic value, and more forms of art are accepted. Broaden the horizons of art history, the art really went to diversification.