广东、香港、澳门等地现有“源”姓3000多人,至今还保存着《源氏大宗族谱》,从中记载“源”氏为鲜卑后裔,唐朝以后迁居广东。在《魏书》等史籍中记载,“源”姓源于秃发 檀之子源贺,时为北魏拓跋焘统治初期。此后,源贺的后代多在朝廷为官。唐建中年间,大臣源休谋反失败,所有源姓都受到株连,纷纷逃奔。其中一支逃至广东定居,一直延续至今。另据霄乡源氏讲,1939年日军侵略广东时,没有对霄乡实行“三光政策”,而是下马跪拜源氏祠堂,说明日本源氏可能与鲜卑源氏有关。
Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and other places now have more than 3,000 “source” surnames and so far still hold the “Genealogical Genealogy”, which records “source” as Xianbei descendants, moved to Guangdong after the Tang Dynasty. In “Wei Shu” and other historical records, “source” surnamed bald Fat Tan source son He, when the Northern Wei Dynasty Tuoba Tuo ruling early. Since then, the source of Ho’s descendants in the court as an official. In the middle of the year of Emperor Tang Jianzhong, all the source names were all conceded and fled in succession. One of them fled to settle in Guangdong and has continued to this day. According to Xiaoxiang Genji speaking, when the Japanese aggression against Guangdong in 1939, there was no implementation of the “three-light policy” for Xiaoxiang. Instead, it bowed down to worship the Yuan’s ancestral temple, indicating that the Japanese source may be related to Xianbei’s source.