我国每年新增耳聋患儿2万~3万人[1],超剂量应用阿米卡星能引起不可逆性耳聋,目前临床超剂量应用阿米卡星的现象较多,故撰写此文,希望能引起医务人员和卫生行政人员的注意。一、阿米卡星(amikacin,丁胺卡 那霉素)介绍 药理作用:阿米卡星抗菌谱在氨基苷类中最广,作用略优于卡那霉素,对星形诺卡菌、普
In our country, 20,000 to 30,000 newborns with deafness are added each year [1]. Amikacin can cause irreversible deafness in overdose applications. At present, the clinical application of amikacin in overdosage is more, so I wrote this article Can arouse the attention of medical personnel and health administrative personnel. First, amikacin (amikacin, amikacin) Introduction pharmacological effects: amikacin antibacterial spectrum in the most widely aminoglycosides, the role of slightly better than kanamycin, the star Nocardia, general