1 临床资料歼教-5飞行员,30岁,飞行时间1800 h,在一次篮球比赛中,突感胸闷,呼吸困难,眼前发黑,摔倒在地,意识不清约10 s,被人扶起和指压人中穴后恢复,未受伤。当时无发热、头痛,无恶心、呕吐,无视物旋转及抽搐,无大小便失禁。检查:体温36.5℃,心率80次/min,血压130/80 mm Hg,未遗留任何肢体活动障碍,未予治疗。次日入空军某医院后,查体未见异常,化验、胸片、脑电图、脑血流图、心脏彩超均正常。诊断:地面晕厥。结论:飞行暂不合格,地面观察1
1 clinical data J-5 pilots, 30 years old, flying time 1800 h, in a basketball game, suddenly felt chest tightness, difficulty breathing, eyes black, fell to the ground, unconsciousness about 10 s, was propped up And acupressure recovery in the hole, not injured. At that time no fever, headache, no nausea, vomiting, ignoring the object rotation and convulsions, no incontinence. Check: body temperature 36.5 ℃, heart rate 80 beats / min, blood pressure 130/80 mm Hg, leaving no limb movement disorders, untreated. The next day into the Air Force hospital, the examination showed no abnormalities, laboratory tests, chest X-ray, EEG, cerebral blood flow diagram, cardiac ultrasound are normal. Diagnosis: ground syncope. Conclusion: The flight is temporarily unqualified and observed on the ground