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我们最早知道这种天蛾是去年七、八月间饲养豆虫,研究牠的生活史时,当地群众捉了一篮篮的豆虫给我们,其中有一种是头很小的豆虫,据他们说是枣树上捉得的。后来本站同志在指导群众掘枣尺蠖蛹时,枣尺蠖蛹掘得很少,但却掘回了不少桃天蛾蛹。后因无暇管理饲养今夏全部死烂了。幸而五月中又有机会到无棣县十一区去捕蝗,回来时要经过枣树最多的十区(桃天蛾较多之地)乘机在齐家(十区区公所所在地)一带召开的老农座谈会上,宣传介绍防治棉蚜、枣尺蛾的各种辨法后,顺便对枣天蛾问题作了一般了解,并特在齐家、关家、前后徐、龙集等一带枣林田间观察,此将已知材料,初步整理介绍于下: When we first learned that this moth was the last one that kept bean worms in July and August last year and studied its life history, local people caught a basket of bean worms to us. One of them was a very small bean worm. According to They said it was caught on the jujube tree. Later, my comrades in the guidance of the people dig Jujube chrysalis pupae, juvenile date pupae dig very few, but they dug back a lot of peach moth pupae. Due to the management of the past due to no reason to die this summer. Fortunately, in May there is a chance to go to the eleven districts of Wudi County to seize the locusts. When they come back, they go through the ten districts with the largest number of date trees (the peach moths have more places) and took the opportunity to take the opportunity to hold the festivals in the vicinity of Qijia Forum on farmers, propaganda and prevention of cotton aphids, jujube moth of the various methods, by the way on the date Moth problem made a general understanding, and special in Qi, Guan, before and after Xu, Longji and other areas around the jujube Field observation, this will be known materials, preliminary finishing introduced in the next:
鸡传染性支气管炎(Avian Infectious Bronchitis, IB)是由冠状病毒科、冠状病毒属的鸡传染性支气管炎病毒(Infectious Bronchitis Virus, IBV)引起的一种急性、高度接触性传
<正> 唐代宗大历年间,活跃于诗坛上的诗人,除“皆负当时盛称”的“大历十才子”外,还有刘长卿、韦应物、戴叔伦等。这些诗人们的成就大小各异,思想和艺术方面的特色也不尽相
11月至翌年3月 解草把,刮除老树皮,锯除死枝、病虫枝,清扫落叶集中烧毁,消灭越冬叶螨、枣粘虫、枣实虫、绿刺蛾、甲口虫(灰暗斑螟)等害虫及枣锈病等病害的越冬病源菌。 刷除