浙江省人民政府:《关于上报浙江省原有投资基金及受益证券清理规范方案的函》(浙政发[1999]150 号)及有关材料收悉,根据《国务院办公厅转发证监会原有投资基金清理规范方案的通知》(国办发[1999]28号)精神,经研究,原则同意你省原有6只投资基金和受益证券
Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government: “Letter of Report on the Scheme for Regulating the Original Investment Funds and the Beneficial Securities Clearance of Zhejiang Province” (Zhe Zheng Fa [1999] No. 150) and the relevant materials were received. According to “The State Council General Office forwards the original investment of the CSRC Fund Clearing out the normative program notice ”(Guo Ban Fa [1999] No. 28) spirit, the study agreed in principle, you save the province’s original 6 investment funds and securities