最新一项研究发现,不同的冠心病治疗方式其成本效益可相差100多倍。研究发现,用作心脏病发作后二级预防的药物(阿司匹林和β受体阻滞剂)获得一个生命年的花费总共不到1000英镑(1500欧元;2000美元),而他汀类药作为35~44岁男性一级预防药物的相应花费则约为70000英镑(Quarterly Journal ofMedicine 2007;100:277-89)。“英国国家医疗卫生服务体系(NHS)的大量资金都花费在了成本效益较低的治疗方案上,例如他汀类药物用于一级预防、血管成形术以及冠
The latest study found that the cost-effectiveness of different coronary heart disease treatment methods can differ by more than 100 times. The study found that drugs used for secondary prevention after heart attack (aspirin and beta-blockers) cost less than 1,000 pounds (1500 euros; 2,000 U.S. dollars) for a life year, while statins act as 35 The corresponding cost of a 44-year-old male primary preventive drug is approximately 70,000 pounds (Quarterly Journal of Medicine 2007; 100:277-89). ”The UK’s National Health Service System (NHS) has spent a lot of money on cost-effective treatment options, such as statins for primary prevention, angioplasty and crown