Clean Water China +WATERCHEM 2017 presents alliance between wastewater treatment and electric power

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  This November, two industrial giants, China National Chemical Information Center and China Electricity Council, agreed to join hands to hold the big event, Clean Water China Expo 2017 so as to reach win-win co-operation. Each giant shows its special prowess. Clean Water China Expo 2017 will ally itself with China International Electricity Conservation and Environment Protection Exhibition which is organized by China Electricity Council, to be held in conjunction on November 20 to 22, 2017 at Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC), to gather potential customers from different industries, especially from electric power industry with purchasing ability, to highlight its theme, Clean Water, Green Life and to build a cooperative, innovative, and interactive platform. Five highlights on the alliance of wastewater Treatment and electric Power Giants are expected this year.
  Highlight One: Twelve-Year Accumulation - Clean Water China Expo 2017 will continue to consolidate its foundation as the most professional show in water treatment industry. Clean Water China, formerly WATERCHEM, was founded in 2005, with more than 10 years continuous development and innovation, it now becomes an industrial event well-recognized in China. Clean Water China Expo 2017 will continue to consolidate its foundation as the most professional show in water treatment chemical industry, and combine industrial solutions and innovative technology and keep its leading role as the professional exhibition.
  Highlight Two: International Exchange Platform for exploring the most innovative water treatment solutions. Exhibitors and professional visitors will come all over the world to attend Clean Water China Expo 2017 such as Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Japan, Iran, India, Korea, the United States and other countries and regions. Exhibit areas cover 12,000 square meters. They will share the cutting-edge wastewater treatment technologies and solutions.
  Highlight Three: Conference, Forum, Workshop Let the Exhibition Much Richer and More Colorful. The exhibition will highlight its combination with various activities. Meetings with different forms will be held during the event. Top experts, scholars, research institutions and industry leaders from power plant and water treatment will attend meetings to exchange ideas and present innovative technologies and solutions.
  Highlights also include Display of Exhibits with More Categories and Diverse Styles. CNCIC and China Electricity Council will jointly hold Clean Water China Expo 2017. Since 2017, the exhibition will be expanded from its chemical focus to a more comprehensive exchange platform covering industrial water treatment technology, equipment and complete set of solutions. In addition, the Expo specially invites thousands of VIP professional visitors from electric power industry and chemical industry, and realizes customized one-to-one trade fairs..
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