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近几年,我国财政改革和发展任务艰巨——完善新财税体制、税费改革、调整收入分配政策等等,可谓大事不断、急事相连。面对新的形势和要求,财政部办公厅作为部内重要的综合部门,承担了大量的政务协调和具体工作。党总支一班人领导大家狠抓作风建设,力创精品工作,造就了一支政治强、作风硬、业务精、效率高的党员队伍。深入调研,硕果累累。办公厅工作有没有起色,能不能开拓创新,一个极为重要的方面就在于能否搞好政策研究,能否提出高质量的具有前瞻性的建议,这是办公厅能否发挥好参谋助手作用的关键所在。为此,办公厅党总支一直把围绕财政中心工作开展政策研究作为首要任务来抓,同时要求党员同志在其中发挥先锋模范作用。党总支提出研究处、新闻处、信息 In recent years, the task of treasury reform and development in our country is arduous. The improvement of the new fiscal and taxation system, the reform of taxes and fees, the adjustment of income distribution policies, etc. can be described as continuous and urgent issues. Faced with the new situation and requirements, the General Office of the Ministry of Finance, as an important integrated department within the department, has undertaken a great deal of coordination and specific tasks in government affairs. The leadership of the general branch of the party led all of them to pay close attention to the style construction, create quality work, created a strong political style, style of work, business and efficient party members. In-depth research, fruitful. There is no improvement in the work of the general public office. Whether it can blaze new trails or not, a very important aspect lies in whether we can make policy research and whether we can make forward-looking suggestions with high quality. This is the question whether the office can play a role as a staff assistant The key. Therefore, the General Party Branch of the General Office has always regarded the study of policies around the work of the financial center as the most important task and at the same time demanded that party members and comrades play an exemplary vanguard role. Party branch proposed research office, information center, information
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各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局)、国家税务局,新疆生产建设兵团财务局: 为了贯彻落实《国务院关于进一步深化棉花流通体制改革的意见》(国发[2001]27号)的精神
20 0 0年 5月 ,安庆市卫生局在市委、市政府和有关部门的重视支持下 ,认真研究外地成功经验、结合本市卫生工作特点 ,成功地进行了卫生防病和卫生监督体制改革。这次改革 ,主