“藻露堂”始于1622年,由湖北荆州郎中宋林元先祖在西安创建,距今已有381年的历史。据史料记载,宋林元先祖曾为李时珍的门生,在“本草纲目”的成书过程中尽心尽智。 “藻露堂”寓意经营的药材取自然植物之精华,经晨间露水沐浴后采之的意境,说明药品珍奇,疗效神速。先祖们以“修合虽无人见,存心自有天知”的经营理念,以治疗妇女病的“培坤丸”为龙头,拥有“参桂鹿丸”、“固本还少丹”、“打虎状元丹”等一系列名贵中成药,不仅誉满我国西北地区,且扬名东南亚各国,是我国“丝绸之路”上现存最古老的中医药字号,1994年“藻露堂”被国家内贸部审定为中国六大古药店之一,比北京的同仁堂还早100多年。广大患者誉为质优效显,童叟无欺。
The “Algae Dew Hall” began in 1622 and was founded by the Song Lin Yuan Patriarch in Langzhong, Jingzhou, Hubei Province. It has a history of 381 years. According to historical records, Song Linyuan’s ancestor was a student of Li Shizhen, and he devoted himself to the process of compiling the Compendium of Materia Medica. “Algae Dew Hall” refers to the medicinal herbs taken from the essence of natural plants, after exposure to dew in the morning after bathing the artistic conception, indicating that the drugs are rare and effective. The ancestors took “Pui Kun Pill” as a leader to treat women’s diseases with the business philosophy of “Nobody sees it through repairs, and has a mind of its own”. The series of rare Chinese patent medicines such as “Tiger Tiger Yuandan” is not only famous in the northwest region of China, but also is famous in Southeast Asian countries. It is the oldest existing Chinese medicine name on the “Silk Road” in China. In 1994, “Algae Dew Church” was in the country. The Ministry of Trade and Industry has been audited as one of the six major pharmacies in China, more than 100 years earlier than Beijing’s Tong Ren Tang. The majority of patients are regarded as excellent quality and effective.