辨证施食是根据疾病的性质选择食物,兹将各种病证选择食物范围简要分述如下: 1.寒性病证如寒证的感冒、胃痛、腹痛、泄泻、水肿等,可食少量辛热食物,主要有姜、葱、蒜、韭、胡椒、花椒等。如多食能散气动火,伤阴耗血,所以肝阳上亢之体及一切血证、干咳、目疾、温病、痔瘘、疮疖、痈疽等病均须忌用。
According to the nature of disease, food is selected according to the nature of the disease, and the range of foods for various types of illness is briefly described as follows: 1. Cold symptoms such as cold, stomach pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea, edema, etc., can eat a small amount of Xin hot Food, mainly ginger, onion, garlic, Chinese wolfberry, pepper, pepper and so on. If more food can disperse pneumatic fire and injure yin and consume blood, so the body of liver yang and all blood, dry cough, eye disease, warm disease, phlegm, scab, carbuncle and other diseases must be hanged.